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It is important that you check your University email account and UniHub regularly as this is how we will update you on Exam news.

  • Exam FAQs

    • How will I find out when my exam is?

      The exam timetable will be available on UniHub. Please ensure that you regularly check the timetable for any last minute room changes.

    • If my exam is taking place in more than one room, how will I know which room to go to?

      You will be allocated a room depending on your surname. There will be a list of these exams displayed on UniHub indicating which room you need to go to. You must go to the room that has been allocated to you. Give yourself time to arrive at the exam venue; your exam may occur in a venue that you have not been to before.

    • Where is my examination venue?

      For students that are taking their exam in London please refer to the Campus map. For all other students taking their exam overseas please refer to Campus Reception.

    • Am I allowed to take food and/or drink into the exam venue?

      You may only take bottles of still water. The label must be removed. No food is allowed to be eaten during the exam.  If you are a diabetic or there are medical reasons why you need to eat during the exam please let the invigilator know before the exam starts.

    • Am I allowed to take my mobile phone or any other electronic device into the exam?

      It is forbidden to use any electronic device during the exam unless it is a calculator. All mobile devices must be switched off and placed under your chair in the exam room.

    • Am I allowed to bring my Smart Watch into the exam room?

      The use of smart watches is strictly prohibited.  All students will be asked to place their watch on the exam desk.  If this is found to be a smart watch you will be reported for Academic Misconduct and will be penalised.

    • Am I allowed to take a calculator or dictionary into the exam?

      You are not permitted to take a dictionary or calculator into the exam room unless it is specified on the front of the exam paper. Only non-programmable calculators are allowed to be used.

    • Can I take my own scrap paper to make notes in the exam?

      It is forbidden to take any unauthorised material into an exam room; to do so will be regarded as an attempt of academic misconduct and will be reported to Academic Registry for further investigation.  All paper will be provided for you in the exam. If your exam contains a Case Study or a Seen Exam new copies will be provided.

    • What do I do if I have a disability/injury and need support?

      Students that believe they would have difficulty in their examinations due to a disability or injury and have not been previously assessed MUST contact the Disability Support as soon as possible.

      Disability Support service

      Tel: +44 (0)20 8411 4945

      Email: disability@mdx.ac.uk

    • I am entitled to special requirements for my exams how do I make arrangements for this?

      Once you have been assessed by the Disability Support Service and it has been confirmed that you are entitled to provisions for your exams i.e. extra time and/or use of a PC. You will be emailed to your University email account of what these arrangements are. You must go to the exam venue that is advised in the email and do not go to the venue that is shown on the University Timetable as you may not receive your provisions.

    • What do I do if I have two exams on the same day, at the same time?

      Once the final exam timetable has been published you will need to contact UniHelp and advise that you have an exam clash.  You will then be contacted by the Exams Team via your university email account to confirm your arrangements. You will take both exams on the same day. You will be supervised in between the two exams. Please bring a packed lunch with you. This is necessary as you will not be permitted to have contact with any other students between the exams.  You will remain under exam conditions until you have completed the second exam of the day.  You will not be able to use your phone during this supervised period.

      If you have 3 scheduled exams occurring on the same day please contact UniHelp ASAP.  You will not be expected to sit 3 exams on the same day.

    • I cannot take an exam on the date that the exam is timetabled for due to my religion prohibiting me from doing so. What do I do?

      If you are unable to take an exam on a particular day during the published exam period for reasons of religious observance you need to complete an application form.  Please note that arrangements will only be made where it is prohibited for you take an exam on the scheduled exam date.; as part of the application process you will need to obtain an affidavit and a letter of confirmation from your religious leader confirming the prohibition.  If you are unable to sit your exam for any other reason a deferral should be applied for.  To obtain an application form, please contact UniHelp

    • There are exam dates for July and August, which exam should I attend?

      If you are a student who commenced their studies in January the first sit of your exams will be in the July exam period. If you have to have to take a resit or you deferred your July exam then the date showing for August is the date of the resit.

      For students that belong to the School of Science & Technology the re-sit period for your exams are July and NOT August. If you are not able to attend your exam in July the next resit opportunity will be May the following year.

    • I do not have a valid student identification card.

      You must have an ID card to enable you to sit the exam.  If you do not have a valid ID card and you are based in London you must order one from the Security office in the main building. If you are based at an overseas campus please go to your Student Office. If you arrive on campus on the day of your exam and you do not have an ID card please go to UniHelp Desk to obtain a temporary exam day pass; this pass will only be valid for the day of your exam.  Ensure that you have some other photo ID available.

    • I am sick on the day of my exam. What do I do?

      If you are unable to sit your exam due to illness you need to obtain a note from your Doctor to verify that you are unwell. You need to complete a deferral form and submit to UniHelp before the end of the examination period. You will be given an opportunity to sit the exam/s that you have missed at the next available assessment opportunity. You can check on your Learning Profile on MyUniHub.

    • What If I am late for my exam?

      You are allowed to enter into the exam room up to 30 minutes after the exam has begun.  Please ensure you have enough time to travel to your campus on the day of the exam.

    • What if I have missed my exam?

      If you are unable to sit your exam due to illness or other reason beyond your control you will need to obtain documentary evidence and submit a deferral form to Unihelp. If you have missed your re-sit exam and do not have a deferrable reason you may have to register and pay for the module again, you will need to contact Unihelp.

    • I have taken my exam but I have extenuating circumstances that have affected my performance.

      Please complete an extenuating circumstances form (located within the forms and letters section of MyUniHub at the following link) and submit this to Unihelp, along with supporting documentation as evidence.

      Please note that valid extenuating circumstances DO NOT change your grades but your circumstances may be taken into consideration when the Programme Progression Committee considers whether you may progress to the next year / stage of your programme or at the School Assessment Board which determines your final qualification.

    • What are the rules for Deferral and Extenuating Circumstances?

      If circumstances beyond your control (such as illness) prevent you from completing an exam, you may be able to apply for Deferral.

      If you do not wish to defer an exam but are concerned that exceptional personal circumstances (such as sudden illness or the death of a relative) may affect your performance, you should complete an extenuating circumstances form.

      Documentary evidence is required for all deferral and extenuating circumstances claims, excluding automatic deferrals, which are only applicable to a few modules.

      For policy information, forms and details of who to contact regarding deferral and extenuating circumstances, see the links below:

      * Deferral

      * Extenuating Circumstances

    • Where can I get more info on exam rules and regulations?

      All information regarding assessment and progression regulations for all taught programmes of study can be found in the University Regulations. The regulations relating specifically to Examinations can be found here and all students are advised to read these prior to arriving at the examination centre.

      Also see:

      The Assessment Regulations section of UniHub for an overview of Middlesex's rules and regulations.

    • Is it possible to take my exam in my home country or different centre?

      If you are not able to be on your campus for your exams, you are able to apply to sit your exam/s at another approved institution. Applications are subject to you locating and obtaining permission from a host institution to supervise your exam.

      There are fees incurred by Middlesex University and by the host institution for this service which you will be required to pay before arrangements are made. You must ensure that you read and fulfil all the Criteria before applying. It is your responsibility to make yourself available for examinations as advertised on the published exam timetable (University Regulation H1.7b) Payment and application to be made on our Online Store:

    • What do I do if there is a fire alarm during my exam?

      If the fire alarm goes off during your exam you will need to wait for instructions from the Exam Invigilator. If there is need to evacuate the building, then follow the instructions of the Invigilator, then take your personal belongings with you.

      You will be under exam conditions and must NOT talk to each other or use your mobile phone.  Every effort will be made to re-start your exam.  When advised to do so you will re-enter the exam room to continue with your exam and further advice will be given.

    • Where can I find the University Regulations for Exams?

      The Examinations/Coursework related regulations can be found on Unihub at this link in Section F: University Regulations.

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