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We have solar power


MDX began a large scale project to install solar panels across the University estate to generate power for our own use. Our first panels were commissioned in June 2012 with the installation of 72 panels on the roof of the Williams building, closely followed by 16 more on the Vine. In 2014, we installed 64 more panels on the roof of College building, 119 on Hatchcroft and 114 on the Shepard Library.

That's 385 panels on 6 buildings on campus generating more than 81,300 kilo watt hours of electricity during the period between July 2014 and August 2015. That's enough electricity to charge 40,600 iPhones for a year or to charge 1,129 laptops for a year or to power 17 average UK homes for a year.

We are currently reviewing opportunities for the installation of further solar panels across the campus and looking at other ways to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and save money. For more information please contact sustainability@mdx.ac.uk or visit our Environment and Sustainability pages on UniHub.

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