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Need corrections to your Biometric Residence Permit?

If there is an error on your 30 day vignette after you arrive in the UK, there is no need to submit an entry clearance amendment.  However, you should check your BRP and if there is an error, it is extremely important all BRP cards are checked on receipt and that errors are reported as soon as possible.

Check that your BRP includes all the correct information:

  • your name and date of birth
  • that you are a Tier 4 (General) student
  • the Sponsor Licence Number (SLN) of the institution that you intend to study at
  • that the start and end dates of the permission are correct
  • whether you can work
  • for some students, the instruction to register with the police

Email:   https://www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits/report-problem

If you have been given the incorrect length of permission or the incorrect conditions, you may be able to request that the Home Office carries out an administrative review of the error and grant you the correct length of permission and/or the correct conditions. You must submit your request for administrative review within 14 calendar days of receiving your BRP. You should email intadvice@mdx.ac.uk  as soon as you receive your BRP if you think you have been given the incorrect length of leave or the incorrect conditions on your immigration permission. In the case of an Admin Review, a late submission may be rejected.  You should use the on line service at www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits

We can also receive the Biometric Residence Permit for dependants. In order for us to ensure your dependents cards are stored with yours, please email with your full details and the names and birth dates of your dependants.

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