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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Plastic reduction

    We're on a mission to reduce our plastic footprint as a university community.

    Here's just some of the ways we're working towards that goal:

    Cups - it's estimated that the UK uses about 7 million coffee cups per day. To help reduce this number, we encourage you to use reusable cups by giving 20p discounts to customers who do. You can buy Middlesex University reusable cups at the participating outlets on campus.

    Bottles - To help reduce the number of single use plastic bottles going to landfill, we also sell reusable bottles. You can buy your bottle at select outlets on campus.

    Refilling stations - To encourage the whole university community to use their reusable bottles we have water bottle refilling stations around campus, with cold, filtered water.

    Cutlery - We no longer give away plastic cutlery at our campus cafes; you’ll only find wooden cutlery.

    Straws - Paper straws are now given away instead of plastic at our MDX House bar.

    Coffee cup recycling - For those days when you forget your reusable cup and have to buy a disposable one we have special coffee cup recycling bins. These are located in the Quad and Grove cafes.

    Food packaging - Our Streat counter only gives recyclable take-away containers and our salad bar, in the Library coffee outlet, have switched plastic for recyclable cardboard containers.

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