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    Academic gowns and dress code

    Our official and only authorised supplier of gowns are Ede and Ravenscroft and all graduates are required to wear academic gowns during the ceremony. If you arrive with a gown that is not Middlesex regulation you will not be permitted to enter the ceremony. Gowns are ordered via the Ede and Ravenscroft website - when you login the gown you are wearing is already pre-populated for you to order.

    We are often asked about what you should wear to your ceremony and the answer is whatever makes you feel comfortable! There is no formal dress code but there are some things you might like to think about.

    The hood of your outfit is worn around your neck and over the gown and is held in place with Velcro.  There is also a loop on the end which can be attached to the button on a shirt or blouse or you can use a pin if you would like extra stability.

    Think about the weather - robes are heavy and can make you warm.  Wear lightweight clothes underneath if it's going to be hot on the day of your ceremony.  We'll adjust your hat and mortar board so you look your best as you walk across the stage.

    Mortar boards are worn for any qualification up to Masters with bonnets being worn for doctorate degrees.  We do keep a stock of hair pins to help the hats stay on but you may want to bring some of your own if you have longer hair.

    • Frequently asked questions

      • How do I order a robe?

        Gowns can be ordered through our official gown company, Ede and Ravenscroft, at https://www2.edeandravenscroft.com/graduation/

        Before you order your gown make sure you have the following information ready:

        - Qualification i.e BA/BSc/MA/MSc (if you order on-line this information is pre-populated)

        - Date and Time of your ceremony (if you order on-line this information is pre-populated)

        - Height

        - Chest Measurement

        - Hat size (circumference of the head horizontally, just above the ears)

        - Credit or debit card details

        Your order will consist of your hat, gown and hood (if applicable)

      • Where do I collect my gown?

        Academic robes are collected from RG08 in the Ritterman Building  – please make sure you have your booking reference with you.  Graduates are asked to collect their gowns no later than 15 minutes before their ceremony starts.

      • Where do I return my gown?

        Please return your gown to CG51 after your ceremony.

      • Foundation Certificate/Certificate/Diploma/Certificate of Higher Education/Higher Diploma

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

      • HNC/HND

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Red with blue lining

      • Foundation Degree Arts (FdA)

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining trimmed with white

      • Foundation Degree Science (FdSc)

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining trimmed with blue

      • Diploma of Higher Education/Advanced Diploma

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red Lining

      • Bachelor of Arts (BA)/Bachelor of Music (BMus)/Bachelor of Theology (BTh)

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood:Black with red lining trimmed with white

      • Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in mid blue

      • Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Osteopathy (BOst)

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining trimmed with blue

      • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)

        - Gown: Black

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining trimmed with purple

      • Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/PGCE/PGCHE/PGCHE/Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate/CertEdFE

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in powder blue

      • Master of Arts (MA)/Master of Theology (MTh)

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in white

      • Master of Business Administration (MBA)

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in yellow

      • Master of Engineering (MEng)

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in purple

      • Master of Science (MSc)/Master of Osteopathy (MOst)/Master of Complementary Medicine (MCM)

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in blue

      • Master of Education (MEd)

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in green

      • Master of Laws (LLM)

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining and trimmed in light blue

      • Master of Professional Studies (MProf)

        - Gown: Royal blue

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Black with red lining

      • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/Doctor of Arts (ArtsD)/Doctor of Education (EdD)

        - Gown: Red with red fronts and sleeves

        - Hat: Black cloth bonnet with red tassel

        - Hood: Grey, lined and trimmed in red

      • Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

        - Gown: Royal blue with red fronts

        - Hat: Black

        - Hood: Blue, lined in red

      • Doctor of Professional Studies (DProf)/Doctor of Psychotherapy (DPsych)/Doctor of Engineering (EngD)/Doctor of Counselling, Psychology and Psychotherapy (DCPsych)/Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

        - Gown: Red with red fronts and sleeves

        - Hat: Grey cloth bonnet with red tassel

        - Hood: Grey, lined in red

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