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    I want to know more about student support

    Though we provide you with the tools to keep yourselves well, we recognise that you may need additional support from us. Our Student Support and Wellbeing teams are on hand for just that. If you aren't sure what team is best placed to support you, speak to UniHelp who can direct you.

    You can refer yourself for support through the Counselling and Mental Health service, or if you're immediately concerned about the mental health or wellbeing of a fellow student you should follow the Care and Concern procedure. If you witness any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment, intimidation, violence or any other form of hate, you should call it out by reporting it to Report.It.To.Stop.It.

    For an overview of student support available at Middlesex, watch this webinar with Vanessa, Student Wellbeing Coordinator:

    Sometimes, a barrier to getting the help you need is recognising that you need some help and then asking for it. Watch this webinar with Vanessa and MDX postgraduate student and communications team member Evana on asking for help.

    I’m worried about a friend’s mental health

    It’s not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where a friend may be struggling with their mental health and you want to support them but not know where to start. Why not watch a short webinar on the topic with Vanessa and Evana who offer some tips and advice:

    Don't forget that if you are concerned about the conduct, health, wellbeing and safety of another student, you can report this to our Care and Concern team for support.

    • Here are 3 simple steps you look out for a friend who you may be concerned about

      • 1. Connect

        If you think that a friend may be struggling, make time to start the conversation with them. You’re not expected to have all the answers or to know exactly what to say. Beforehand, ensure you have enough time to talk to avoid putting time pressures on the conversation.

        Wherever possible, avoid starting an impromptu chat at times that are particularly difficult or stressful and so that you have time to prepare. Also, aim to have the conversation when it is just the two of you as this will be less intimidating for your friend.

        During the conversation, be sensitive, and show them that you care.  Aim to ask open questions that allows your friend space to help encourage them to open up.

      • 2. Listen

        This is the most important aspect of connecting with your friend. During the conversation, be positive, seek to reassure and avoid dismissing their problems. Most importantly, let them talk. By giving your friend the opportunity to talk, you are showing them that they are not alone.

        Use reflective language to show your support and keep the conversation flowing. For example; 'It sounds as if...' or 'It seems that'...

        If they confide in you, try not to act shocked or surprised as this could make your friend feel uncomfortable.

      • 3. Support

        Being there for your friend is crucial, but don’t worry about giving advice, you’re just there to listen and support. You are not expected to have all of the answers or to be able to solve all of their problems for them.

        Come up with a way forward together, offer your support at the time and follow up with a supportive text or call afterwards to check in. Remember, you can’t help with everything. Whilst maintaining the confidence of your friend, ensure you are getting any support that you may need as it can be tough looking out for others.

        For further advice with how supporting your friends, visit Student Minds and contact Care and Concern.

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