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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Results, grading and progression

    From 15 July, UniHub, myUniHub will begin to be decommissioned and content will be available on MyMDX (formerly MDXapp). These changes are designed to create a better digital experience for you as a student.

    Learn more

    • Results and Grading

    All results and grades are published on MyUniHub on the date listed in your academic calendar.

    Please note: grades are provisional until your student profile (ie your modules and grades) has been considered at a Programme Assessment Board. You can find out when your programme is due to be considered by referring to your programme handbook.

    The University also relays your current status to the local education authorities, where applicable.

    Grading scales

    The University has a 1-20 grading scale, with grade 1 being the highest grade.  Level 1 modules, which do not contribute to the final classification may be awarded a Y grade (ungraded pass).

    The 20-Point Scale

    GradeClass of Honours DegreeOther Qualification























    Compensation allowed*


    Compensation allowed*



    Compensation allowed*


    Compensation allowed*



    Compensation not allowed


    Compensation not allowed

    20FAIL - Incorporating failure to participate in assessment necessary to achieve all learning outcomes.  Compensation not allowed.FAIL - Incorporating failure to participate in assessment necessary to achieve all learning outcomes.  Compensation not allowed.

    *Compensation is granted only at the discretion of the Programme Assessment Board.

    • Other Grading Definitions

      • Administrative Grades

        X Ineligible for assessment due to inadequate participation in the learning process but may be retaken with permission.
        I Incomplete with good reason. (May be assessed without penalty at the next available opportunity) 
        U Academic misconduct allegation being investigated.
        P Fail - Academic misconduct proven.
        Y Ungraded pass (No numerical value for classification of qualifications).

        Fail - no reassessment at next opportunity allowed
        S Aegrotat.
        H Not assessed.
        (Students not following Middlesex qualifications only)

        Administrative grades may sometimes be added to a numerical grade either to indicate any additional action that needs to be taken by the student regarding further assessment or to confirm a decision taken
        by a first or second tier Board:

        C Compensated failure
        For the purposes of degree classification a compensated grade counts as a 16.

      • Re-assessment and Deferral Codes

        RE - Resit examination
        DE - Deferred examination
        RC - Resit coursework
        DC - Deferred coursework
        RA - Resit all components
        DA - Deferred all components
        RO - Resit other
        DO - Deferred other
        RW - Rework examination

        A date will also be added alongside these codes indicating in which assessment period the work is due to be submitted, eg May, July, August or September. It is your responsibility to check the exact submission date by looking on your module pages or speaking to your Module Leader.

    • Understanding your progression decision

    Every year the Programme Assessment Boards (PABs) meet to decide whether you have passed sufficient credits to continue on your chosen programme of study. This progression decision (also known as ‘Academic Standing’ on MyUniHub>My Modules and Grades) is entered as a progression code on your student record.

    Below is the full list of progression codes and definitions to help you understand what they mean and if you need to take any action.

    • Progression codes

      • FY full-time / PY part-time: satisfactory and continuing

        Congratulations, you have gained all module credit to carry on to the next stage of your programme.

        We are available to answer any queries relating to your progression – please submit your query via a Progression Enquiry Form

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub

      • RG: progress to final stage

        Congratulations, you have gained all module credit to continue onto the dissertation/project stage of your programme.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression – please submit your queries via the Progression Enquiry Form.

        You may be required to re-enrol via myUniHub

      • DD: see the Progression and Support Team (if you are studying at one of our overseas campuses please contact your Student Office)

        Unfortunately, you've not gained sufficient module credits and need to contact a member of the Progression and Support Team or your relevant campus student office to discuss your intentions and outline the options available to you.

        Hendon students can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        If you fail to contact the Progression and Support Team, you may not be permitted to continue with your studies.

      • FL full-time / PL part-time: continue with credit deficit

        You have passed sufficient credit to continue to the next stage of your programme. However, you're currently lacking module credit which you'll need to make up before completing your studies.

        Please contact the Progression and Support Team for further guidance on how and when you can make up your module credit.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FLN full-time / PLN part-time: continue with a credit deficit, must pass outstanding assessment

        You have passed sufficient credit to continue on your programme of study.  However, you have outstanding assessments (re-sit / deferred) which must be completed at the next available opportunity in order for you to gain sufficient credit for your qualification.

        Check your MyLearning pages for further information on your outstanding assessment(s) and deadline(s). If the information is not available, please contact your module leader directly.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FP: return to full time study

        You have now passed sufficient credit to return to study full time. Your compulsory modules will be registered and timetabled for you. If your programme of study offers optional modules you will need to select them via the online module registration form.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FR: repeat stage of programme

        You are permitted to repeat a stage of your programme on a full-time basis. This will have an impact on fee liability and may impact your eligibility for student funding.

        Please contact the Student Welfare Advice Team (SWAT) for more information, advice and guidance.

        Compulsory modules will be registered and timetabled for you. If your programme of study offers optional modules you will need to select them via the online module registration form.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FYA full-time / PYA part-time: satisfactory and continuing, add modules

        You have passed sufficient credit to continue your studies as a full-time student.

        Please be aware that at the moment you don't have all your future option modules registered and you need to select option modules as soon as possible:

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FLA full-time / PLA part-time: continue with credit deficit and add modules

        You have passed sufficient credit to continue your studies as a full-time student. However you're currently lacking module credit which you'll need to make up before completing your studies.

        Please contact the Progression and Support Team for further guidance on how and when you can make up your module credit.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FYM full-time / PYM part-time: satisfactory and continuing change future modules

        You have passed sufficient credit to continue your studies as a full-time student. However, you need to change your future module choices because they are incorrect. This may be because you have failed assessment in a compulsory module.

        Please contact the Progression and Support Team for further guidance.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FLM full-time / PLM part-time: continue with credit deficit, change future modules

        You have passed sufficient credit to continue your studies as a full-time student. However you're currently lacking module credit which you'll need to make up before completing your studies.

        You also need to change your future module choices because they are incorrect. This may be because you have failed assessment in a compulsory module.

        Please contact the Progression and Support Team to discuss your options.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • FYT full-time / PYT part-time: satisfactory and continuing, change of programme required

        As you have failed assessment in a compulsory module, you must change your programme and your future module registrations.

        We need to discuss this decision with you before you can enrol for the next stage of your studies. Please contact the Progression & Support team by booking an appointment or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

      • FLT full-time / PLT part-time: continue with credit deficit, change of programme required

        As you have failed assessment in a compulsory module, you must change your programme and your future module choices.

        We need to discuss this decision with you before you can enrol for the next stage of your studies. Please contact the Progression & Support team by booking an appointment or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

      • MP: Progression decision outstanding, pending reassessment

        In order to be able to continue onto the next stage of your programme, you must submit all outstanding assessment at the next available opportunity. Please check your handbook, MyLearning module pages and/or with the module leader for information relating to the assessment tasks and deadlines without delay.

        Once assessment has been completed, your progression will be re-considered.

        If you do not attempt assessment at the next available opportunity you risk academic failure and you may not be permitted to continue with your studies.

        You can get support with your studies from the Learning Enhancement Team (LET) or the Library such as booking one-to-one tutorials and utilising online resources.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

      • NN: must complete resit / deferrals

        You cannot continue with future study until you have completed outstanding deferred / reassessments that are indicated on your MyUniHub 'My Grades and Progression' record. You should attempt these assessments at the next available opportunity and check the university examination timetable regularly.

        If you do not attempt assessment at the next available opportunity, you may be at risk of failing and not being allowed to continue with your studies.  

        If you are in receipt of the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), please be aware that this support is only available to enrolled students attending classes, therefore, your eligibility for DSA will be affected. Please contact our Disability and Dyslexia Support team to discuss the implications of this.

        Before you can return to study (on either a full-time or part-time basis), the Programme Progression Board will review your academic profile once you have taken your assessment and you will be notified of its decision. In the meantime, you are permitted to use the learning resources at the University (library and computers).

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression or your studies generally.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

      • RL: progress to final stage with a credit deficit

        You have passed sufficient credit to continue onto the dissertation/project stage of your programme. However, you currently have outstanding (re-sit / deferred) assessment to complete, which must be completed at the next available opportunity. You should be aware that progressing with a credit deficit is at your own risk and you must successfully complete any outstanding assessment and your dissertation / project in order to gain a postgraduate qualification.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression or your studies generally.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        You may be required to re-enrol via myUniHub.

      • XX: can retake module credit

        You have not passed sufficient credit to continue as a full-time student. You have been given an exceptional opportunity to repeat module(s) on a part-time basis in order to gain the necessary credits to remain on your chosen programme and progress to the next stage.

        If you pass sufficient credits, you will be permitted to return to full-time study in the future. This will have an impact on fee liability and may impact your eligibility for student funding. Please contact the Student Welfare Advice Team (SWAT) for more information, advice and guidance.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via MyUniHub.

      • XXA: can retake module credit and add modules

        You have not passed sufficient credit to continue as a full-time student. You have been given an exceptional opportunity to repeat module(s) on a part-time basis in order to gain the necessary credits to remain on your chosen programme and progress to the next stage. If you pass sufficient credits, you'll be permitted to return to full-time study in the future.

        Please be aware that at the moment you don't have all your future option modules registered and you need to select option modules as soon as possible. Please book an appointment with your Progression and Support Team in order to add or change an option module. This will have an impact on fee liability and may impact your eligibility for student funding. Please contact the Student Welfare Advice Team (SWAT) for more information, advice and guidance.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via MyUniHub.

      • XXT: can retake module credit and change of programme required

        You have not passed sufficient credit to continue as a full-time student and as you have failed assessment in a compulsory module, you must change your programme and your future module registrations.

        You have been given an exceptional opportunity to repeat module(s) on a part-time basis in order to gain the necessary credits to progress to the next stage of your new programme. If you pass sufficient credits, you'll be permitted to return to full-time study in the future. This will have an impact on fee liability and may impact your eligibility for student funding. Please contact the Student Welfare Advice Team (SWAT) for more information, advice and guidance.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via MyUniHub.

      • XXN: can retake module credit and must pass outstanding assessment

        You have not passed sufficient credit to continue as a full-time student. You have been given an exceptional opportunity to repeat module(s) on a part time basis in order to gain the necessary credits to remain on your chosen programme and progress to the next stage. You also have outstanding assessments which must be completed at the next available opportunity in order for you to gain sufficient credit for your qualification.

        Check your MyLearning pages for further information on your outstanding assessment(s) and deadline(s). If the information is not available, please contact your module leader directly.

        If you pass sufficient credits, you will be permitted to return to full-time study in the future. This will have an impact on fee liability and may impact your eligibility for student funding. Please contact the Student Welfare Advice Team (SWAT) for more information, advice and guidance.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via MyUniHub.

      • XXM: can retake module credit and change future modules

        You have not passed sufficient credit to continue as a full-time student. You have been given an exceptional opportunity to repeat module(s) on a part-time basis in order to gain the necessary credits to remain on your chosen programme and progress to the next stage. However, you need to change your future module choices because they are incorrect. This may be because you have failed assessment in a compulsory module. Please contact the Progression and Support Team for further guidance.

        If you pass sufficient credits, you will be permitted to return to full-time study in the future. This will have an impact on fee liability and may impact your eligibility for student funding. Please contact the Student Welfare Advice Team (SWAT) for more information, advice and guidance.

        We're available to answer any queries relating to your progression.

        You can book an appointment with your Progression & Support team or complete the Progression Enquiry Form.

        Don’t forget to re-enrol via MyUniHub.

      • FF - FAIL: no reassessment

        Unfortunately, you have failed your programme of study and cannot continue as a student of the University as, under our regulations, you have now exhausted your entitlement to be reassessed. Therefore, your studies at the University have been terminated. We will now, if appropriate, inform your Local Education Authority and/or Student Loans Company, that you have been withdrawn from the University.

        You may have acquired enough credits to entitle you to an interim qualification. Please consult the current University Regulations and if you think you are eligible please discuss this either in person at the UniHelp Desk or contact UniHelp.

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