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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Information for student supporters

    Starting university is a wonderful time for students and we're committed to providing a supportive and welcoming environment, promoting good health and wellbeing for all.

    A note for parents, carers and guardians

    University is an exciting time where students meet new people, develop their academic and social skills and work independently to foster their studies and shape their future career. Moving away from home and coming to university marks a period of transition for them but also for you as their parent, carer or guardian.

    This period marks a shift in the relationship that you share which your student, and we recognise that this can be hard so we have developed this selection of pages to help make it easier for you and your student. You may also find it useful to read some of our tips and advice from parents of current students.

    We also have a number of student series titles from Dr Dominique Thompson, student GP and wellbeing consultant, which are available in the HealthMattersHub in Sheppard Library for students to borrow. Her book How to Grow a Grown Up may be particularly useful to parents, carers and guardians. Download a read the November 2020 and March 2021 newsletters for student supporters. New editions of the newsletter are currently paused.

    • What support is available?

    Our Student Support and Wellbeing teams will be on-hand to provide support throughout the student journey and communicate closely with each other (within the bounds of confidentiality) to provide comprehensive and holistic support for your student.

    Areas of support

    Students can explore these self-help and Student Support and Wellbeing team information and access these at any point during their studies.

    All students are given an Academic Advisor before they begin their studies. They act as a single point of contact for academic and pastoral support and advice.

    The Learning Enhancement Team provide numeracy and academic writing support to students in face to face drop in appointments.

    Our Ask a Librarian service assists students with finding the correct resources for their work and referencing them correctly.

    Student Learning Assistants are able to provide a helping hand on academic matters, having already studied their course. They are also there to help students to make the most of their time at Middlesex.

    Campus Security keep our students, staff and visitors safe on campus. They also provide first aid and are best placed to seek additional medical support if required.

    A team of IT experts can help with your students IT queries and we have laptops for loan across campus which can be accessed for 24 hours (longer if your student is registered with the Disability and Dyslexia Service).

    Our MDXWorks team provides support around employment, internships, work experience, careers advice, CV support and more. Based in The Quad, they can help your student become a successful professional employee.

    We're proud to attract students from around the world to study and we have a prayer room on campus for all students and staff to use. Our MDX Interfaith Group works to strengthen our interfaith relationships both within Middlesex and the wider community.

    We promote an environment which is free from sexual violence, bullying and harassment, hate crime and hate incidents with the Changing the Culture initiative.

    Support from MDXSU

    Societies and clubs

    We have over 100 student groups and societies from cultural and religious groups to academic and general interest. Students are bound to meet like-minded people, develop their skills, and be part of a community on campus, all while having fun. Students can join as many societies as they like and are encouraged and supported to start their own.


    There are currently seven communities groups that caters for International, Mature, and Commuter students, Parents & Carers students, Erasmus Exchange students, Postgraduate students and Healthcare students.

    Events and advice are tailored to these groups to foster a sense of belonging based on the unique challenges and opportunities that belonging to these communities may bring.

    Liberation groups

    Our Liberation Groups are for students who often face discrimination and under-representation at university and in wider society.

    MDXSU currently oversee four Liberation Groups:

    These groups provide safe spaces for students to come together to network and share experiences. You can encourage your student to make use of societies, communities and liberation groups to feel a sense of belonging during their time at MDX.

    Additional support

    MDXSU Advice Service offers free, independent and impartial advice to students, usually on academic matters, but students are able to approach the team with any matter that is concerning them.

    They also offer part time flexible internships which are paid the London Living wage. They recruit for these roles at the start of the autumn term.

    Support through the academic year >

    There are key times throughout your student's academic journey where they will need more help, guidance and support. Get to know these times and feel prepared to lend a hand.

    Health and safety >

    Often the support your student needs isn't academic but health related. Find the best tips and advice for keeping them physically and mentally healthy and safe during their studies.

    In this section

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