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On arrival in the UK

Welcome to the UK and welcome to #TeamMDX! Once you arrive in the UK, we recommend reading through this page to ensure your first few days and weeks in the UK are as smooth as possible.

Registering with a GP

It is important that you register with a GP as soon as possible when you arrive, especially if your course is 6 months or longer.

Your GP will give you an NHS number which you will need to access hospital treatment or specialist referrals. If you have not had the recommended vaccinations, please speak with your GP.

You can register with any doctor in the area, usually the surgery nearest to where you live. This means that you will be able to access healthcare quickly should you become unwell at your time at university.

Find out more about how to register for a GP, and suggested GPs on our health and wellbeing page. Once you are registered with a GP, you will be able to find a dentist.

Opening a bank account

We recommend opening a bank account as soon as possible after you arrive in the UK.

Many banks have a variety of options available so it might be worth visiting more than one to find the one that's right for you.

When you choose one, you will be expected to bring along a number of documents and papers with you in order to begin the process:

  • Passport with visa valid for at least 3 months
  • Completed bank application form (the bank should provide you with this)
  • Student status letter (found on myUnihub via the following links:)
    • Student Services & Financial Support
    • Request a Letter
    • Student status with address confirmation letter (BANK)
  • This Times Higher Education guide has some advice on student banking in the UK.

Students whose course extends for less than 6 months

It is not normally possible to open a student bank account if you are here for less than 6 months. However, some banks might let you open very basic accounts with them so it's always worth visiting and asking.

You should try, where possible, to open an account with an international bank in your home country and check whether you would be able to use the bank's cash machines in the UK.

  • Main highstreet UK banks

    • Barclays bank

      Nearest branches

      Barclays bank
      247 Edgware Road
      London, NW9 6LS

      Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm
      Telephone: 08457 555 555

      For an application form and information on opening a bank account for international students living in the UK, please visit their website.

    • HSBC

      Nearest branches

      1 Central Circus
      London, NW4 3JU

      Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm
      Telephone: 08457 404 404

      1 Sentinel Square
      Brent Street
      London, NW4 2ER

      Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm 
      Telephone: 08457 404 404

      For information on HSBC Passport accounts and how to apply, please visit their website.

    • Lloyds bank

      Nearest branches

      Lloyds bank
      19 Central Circus
      London NW4 3AS

      Opening hours: Monday to Friday,10am to 4.30pm

      Telephone: 0845 3000 000

      For more information about International banking, please call 0800 055 6358 or visit their website.

    • Santander

      Brent Cross Shopping Centre
      London, NW4 3FN

      Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 3pm | Wednesday, 10.00am to 5.00pm
      Telephone: 0800 707 6692

Biometric Residence Permits and passports >

Find out how to check, use and collect your Biometric Residence Permit as well as what to do if your BRP, visa or passport is lost or stolen.

In this section

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