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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Your impact

    Your feedback and opinions matter, so make sure you tell us when we are doing it right or when you feel as though something could be improved.


    At the start of each academic year, all students will have a chance to become a Student Voice Leader to represent their year of their course. Any student can become a Student Voice Leader at the start of each term - no experience is necessary.

    Student Voice Leaders act as a point-of-contact between students and staff, listening to your views and ideas and then working with the University, attending Programme Voice Groups, to make changes that you really want to see.

    All Student Voice Leaders receive employability-boosting training from the MDXSU as well as support from the MDXSU Student Officer team. Being a Student Voice Leader is a great way to gain skills and confidence, meet new people and boost your CV, all while making a genuine difference at Middlesex. It's easy to fit in around your studies and work, and you'll receive all the training and support you need. You will also receive a certificate (digital accreditation) at the end of the academic year in recognition of your work as a Student Voice Leader.

    For more information visit the MDXSU website or email the Student Leadership Team.

    It’s important to raise any issues or feedback that you have with your Student Voice Leader, so that they can accurately represent your views to academic staff. You can find out who your Student Voice Leader is by emailing your Programme Leader.

    • Change as a result of feedback

    At Middlesex University, we work closely with the Students’ Union to ensure you can make your voice heard. Your feedback helps us to identify what is working well and any enhancements that can be made to the student  experience. As a result of previous feedback, we have been able to implement the following changes.

    • Supporting you through financial challenges

      Managing your finances can be challenging at the moment and we want you to have the help you need to get the most out of your time at Middlesex.

      The Living Costs Fund is available for all enrolled students and remains available throughout the academic year. The fund provides money/vouchers that will help to purchase food, and toiletries, pay part of a bill/rent, etc. Details of all financial support is available on the Financial Support UniHub page.

      For your financial wellbeing, you asked for more financial support. In addition to our established Student Support Fund, which helps students who are experiencing longer-term financial difficulties, we have also introduced an emergency financial fund to help you with costs such as food, bills and technology.

      We have also introduced free breakfasts or dinners all week at the Quad Costa. Further details as well as information about other food discounts is on our food on campus web pages.

    • Reducing the cost of studying

      We are committed to offering value for money by reducing study costs and providing services for free that you may have expected to pay for such as  laptop loans, free printing, eTextbooks, and 24/7 library opening  https://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/support/financial-support

      Academic Integrity

    • Changes to Careers and Employability Support

    • Student Ambassador group of Disabled Students

      Following feedback from MDXSU Disability Groups, we’ve launched an additional Student Ambassador group of Disabled Students to create a network of Student Ambassadors within MDX=.

    • Supporting students to find part-time work

      Following feedback received in the pre-arrival survey, MDXworks and Unitemps increased support for students seeking part-time work. This included a dedicated Employability Advisor during the Welcome period, targeted messages to students, and the creation of a brand-new guide to finding a part-time job. This helped students to understand the importance of finding employment opportunities that could sit along with studies.

    • Student Ambassador Scheme recruitment now open to pre-enrolled students

      Following student feedback from the pre-arrival survey, we’ve extended the start date of the Student Ambassador Scheme to allow prospective and pre-enrolled students to apply for this role. As a result you'll therefore have access to more local employment opportunities whilst studying at MDX – allowing you to make more informed decisions regarding financial management during your time at MDX.

    • Additional career resources for international students

      We listened to student feedback asking for more help with finding work as an international student and an increase of companies sponsoring UK work visas at events. We have created additional career resources for international students, including a list of sponsoring companies at our annual careers fair Gradstock, a new course to support students in learning how to target the right employer in the UK and a dedicated guide to your career as an international student in London. The support for our international community is an investment in your futures from MDX.

    • Changes to Learning, Teaching and Timetabling

    Learning and Teaching

    Following feedback raised in Programme Voice Groups and the National Student Survey, Middlesex has implemented Moodle 4.1 which allows a personalised user dashboard and user interface.


    Following feedback from the Health and Social Care Faculty, we’ve allocated all students on BSc Nursing (Adult, Child and Mental Health strands ) and BSc Midwifery programmes to see their personalised timetable. Over 900 students can now see their timetable on both MDXapp and myUnihub, and access learning materials once fully enrolled online. In addition, this change means students can now check in to record their attendance once classes start.

    • Changes to the Library and IT Student Support

    The Sheppard Library is open 24/7 and there’s lots of study/social spaces across London that you can access as an MDX student. This could help save you time and money on travel costs, for days when you don’t need to be on campus.  Check out the Maps tile on MDXapp and click 'off campus’

    • New Mac Computers and screens on campus

      Students reported that our Mac computers had become very slow & unstable, impacting their effective use. We’ve now provided more Mac computers, so you're able to complete work quicker using computers that are more reliable, allowing you to achieve more.

      We’ve also installed more additional screens for you to connect to personal laptops to. You can now connect personal laptops to larger screens, enhancing productivity and group study, as well as facilitating better multi-tasking than working on laptops.

    • Welcome Chat bot

      The creation of a new chat bot for students who’ve got enquiries about Welcome has improved student experience. Students can now easily find solutions, suggestions and support to their queries through the chat bot.

    • Gym membership

    We have a reduced cost gym membership available at the Fitness Pod. This includes free gym classes, and access to gym equipment and facilities from September 2022 to May 2023.

    • Changes to catering on campus

    Free food on campus to help with financial challenges

    We’ve increased our free food offer throughout the week, adding free hot pot on Friday to cater for students who are only in on Fridays as well as extending availability at other times during the week. Check out the free food options on campus on Unihub, or on the MDXapp.

    • Increased opening hours of our MDX Hot Wheels van

      Following positive feedback after  Graduation Week, the Hot Wheels van has increased opening hours, with  a convenient option for you to grab a quick, hot meal between classes.

    • Even more meal deals and wider range of menus

      We’ve got a wider selection of meal deals, allowing you to choose options that better suit your preferences and dietary restrictions. Based on the catering survey from last year, and students wanting variety and 'home-cooked' meals - we’ve introduced new dishes to our main meal offer. You can explore different flavours and cuisines, making the dining experience more enjoyable - and keeping the menu fresh and exciting. We’ve also introduced more variety at catering outlets including mocktails, a wider variety of soft drinks, and bubble tea – to give you more drink options .

    • Changes to accommodation

    To support students wanting to rent privately, the team have created and shared an updated ‘How to Rent Guide’.

    Middlesex has linked up with Housing Hand to provide a discounted Guarantor service for anyone who needs help getting a guarantor for private rented accommodation.

    The Accommodation Team created an Instagram account, @MDXAccomm that can be used to provide images of our MDX Halls to make sure students are better informed when choosing where to live, also providing regular information throughout your stay. In addition, information for students who’d been offered a room in halls was updated and sent out in advance of move in week, including ways to reach their new home, and what to bring.

    • Changes to spaces across campus

    • Extend the shuttle bus service to the West Stand to non-teaching weeks

      Following requests from students and staff, we’ve extended the shuttle bus service to non-teaching weeks. During non-teaching weeks, a scaled back service allows students and staff to move between campus and West Stand / Stone X Park  instead of running only during teaching time. You can view the timetable for the Shuttle Bus on our Hendon Campus Unihub page.

    • New Student Lounge at the West Stand

      Having a dedicated Middlesex social space for students studying at the West Stand was identified by departments, and approved by the West Stand Programme Board. This high-quality Student Lounge provides a space to study or socialise when not in classes – located near the microwave room, you can heat up food and then eat in the social space. It’ll be open until the building closes each day.

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