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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Your Middlesex. Your Voice.

    We value what you have to say about your experience at Middlesex.

    The National Student Survey (NSS) is organised for final-year, undergraduate students between January – April each year. NSS 2024 is open from 8 January 2024 until 30 April 2024 - and you are able to complete the survey online.

    Complete the survey today!

    Your impact

    Your feedback not only helps our services and processes improve but can also make a big difference to your student experience.

    See the new changes
    • Talk to a student representative

    Student Voice Leaders

    At the start of each academic year, hundreds of Student Voice Leaders (SVLs) are recruited to represent students on their course. Each programme has an SVL, that represents their cohort at meetings with our academic teams. Throughout the year, you can go to your SVL to suggest ideas and give feedback about your module, programme or wider University experience. Your SVL will then work with your Programme Leader and other University staff to find solutions to help make your time at Middlesex the best it can be. Please visit Student Voice Leaders @ Middlesex University Students' Union (mdxsu.com) for more information.

    Academic Community Facilitators

    Academic Community Facilitators are experienced student leaders that work closely with your Faculty leaders, staff members and MDXSU to create a community where students feel valued, connected and supported throughout their academic journey. Each Faculty has their own ACFs, that gather feedback, represent students in Faculty meetings and committees, organize events, facilitate discussions, and encourage student participation. Throughout the year you can go to them with any feedback, ideas for improvement, or events that you'd like to see. They will then work with the MDXSU and your Faculty to help ensure your feedback and ideas are at the heart of any decisions being made. Find out more about Academic Community Facilitators here.

    Student Officers

    Your Student Officers are elected by students through the MDXSU Elections each spring, and if successful are paid to work full-time for an academic year from July. Student Officers are responsible for leading the political and campaigning direction of the Students’ Union and representing students at university meetings. You can also provide feedback to them through their online Ideas for Change feature. Click here to find out who your current Student Officers are.

    Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey >

    The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey or PTES is a national survey of postgraduate taught students. The survey will be open until 30 April 2024.

    Postgraduate Research Experience Survey >

    PRES is a survey conducted at national level across UK Universities in collaboration with AdvanceHE and aims to capture postgraduate researchers' experiences of carrying out a doctoral research programme in their Institution. The survey will be open until 30 April 2024.

    Module surveys >

    Module surveys provide you with the chance to leave feedback on each of your modules.

    We really value feedback about your learning experience. The survey gives you the opportunity to tell us about your module experience. The results will be used to make enhancements to your modules.

    We’re committed to ensuring the best possible experience for our students. Your input is crucial in helping us make improvements so we can continue to enhance both your experience and that of future students.

    Module surveys give you a formal opportunity to feedback on your modules at each level of study. Your Module Leader and the module teams will then be able to respond directly to collected feedback and gain additional evidence to drive quality enhancement as well as learning and teaching practices.

    The module surveys only take a few minutes to complete and your responses are strictly confidential and anonymised.

    Watch our video on how to complete your module survey and why it's so important to have your voice heard.

    • Meet the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Education and Student Experience

    Student drop ins

    You can now have a conversation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience’ – Christine Broughan!

    To book an appointment, which usually takes place Thursday afternoons during term time, please email: h.x.mccrea@mdx.ac.uk

    Student Complaints and Grievance Procedure >

    Providing feedback is important for us to be able to improve. We are committed to providing the best experience for everyone at the University. We encourage you to let us know if there is any cause for concern.

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