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    I want to improve my physical health

    • I want to improve my physical health

    Studies have shown that being physically active not only helps to maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure and support normal muscle and bone strength, but also supports your mental health in many ways including improving mood, reducing stress, increasing self-esteem, and helping to prevent or manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.

    Making sure you're keeping yourself physically healthy is an important part of your wellbeing. Public Health England have some important information on staying physically well as a student in this  PHE Fact sheet.

    There are many different ways you can look to improve your physical health. Here are a few of our tips:

    • Take a listen to this Joe Wicks podcast series on his secrets to physical fitness
    • Try to do 150 mins per week of moderate intensity activity (such as a brisk walk) or 75 mins of vigorous intensity activity (such as high intensity interval training). This works out to about 20 minutes per day
    • Try to move regularly throughout the day when you are studying, even if it’s just to get a drink from your kitchen
    • Try doing something that builds strength twice a week - this could include carrying shopping, lifting weights, body weight exercises (such as push -ups), gardening, simple balances or yoga
    • If you have a long term condition, disability or are pregnant or have recently given birth, speak to your GP about what exercises are most suitable for you and speak to the Disability and Dyslexia Service to find out how we can support you
    • Try the Couch to 5k programme for beginners, and make sure you log your steps with MDXMoves (more on that below)
    • Do an active or even ”pretend” commute if you’re working from home and use the time to move
    • Stand up more regularly – walk around or explore using a raised desk
    • Get active with a friend online - exercising together can be great way to catch up and increase motivation and enjoyment
    • Join MDX Moves

      MDXMoves is a way of getting rewarded for being physically active! Walk, run, cycle, and stay active to get points. When added up, your points can then be redeemed for a variety of goodies from on campus retailers as well as high street and sports brands.

    • Free sports activities from MDX 

      Every week sports offer a timetable of free virtual activities for you to tap into. Find out more here.

    (These sessions will re-start in the new academic year)

    Life Skills Series: stress management through yoga

    Part of our Life Skills Series – a series of events and webinars to give you skills to thrive through life - learn how to manage stress through yoga techniques in these beginner friendly yoga sessions weekly with Jo. Please register in advance, and join via events.

    What our students have to say about the sessions:

    Angela Sorensen, PhD student:

    ''I first started doing the Yoga for Mental Wellbeing with Jo after seeing a flier for it at uni.  My first session was in-person and it brought so much physical and mental relief that I was determined to make it part of my regular routine.  And then the pandemic hit.  Everything
    switched to online; a challenge but one surmountable with the right support.  For almost the past year I have kept up the practice largely in part to Jo's excellent teaching abilities.

    As a beginner in yoga, I've found this class very accessible with a focus on proper technique and gentle encouragement.  It's been my saving grace mentally and physically.  Not only has it helped me find some mental calming and clarity, but Jo's teaching has inspired
    me to keep up the practice.  I now find myself practicing yoga 1-2 times a week outside of our regular class schedule.  Practicing yoga with Jo has been the thing I look forward to each week; a huge highlight for me in these otherwise challenging times''

    Aleksandra Peczek, BSc Nutrition with Foundation Year:

    I found Joanna’s yoga classes on one of the MDX student groups and thought it could be a nice way to incorporate some physical activity into the lockdown routine. It turned out to be a fantastic experience. After spending all days sitting in front of the computer it’s a great way to relax, stretch,
    take a break from the screens, and give yourself a good start to a productive day.

    I’m an absolute newbie to yoga, but Joanna is very attentive and explains all poses in detail so no need to be ashamed.

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