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    Exams 2023-2024

    Exam periods

    APRIL assessment period: 15 - 30 April  

    This is the main assessment period for all students that commenced their studies in September or are continuing and/or having to complete outstanding re-assessment.

    JULY assessment period: 1 - 12 July

    This is the main assessment period for students who commenced their studies in January 2024. This is also the re-assessment period for all other students.

    AUGUST assessment period: 27 – 30 August

    This is the re-assessment period for students who commenced their studies in January 2024.

    Assessment PeriodDatesFinal Timetable published on
    APRIL15 - 30 April23 February
    JULY1 - 12 July21 June


    27 - 30 August

    21 June

    Notice to students

    Notice to Students - This notice has been written to help you with exam regulations. Read it carefully and do what you are asked.

    Past exam papers

    Previous Exam Papers are now available on the Exam Paper Database you can access these via the My Library section of MyUniHub. If the required exam paper is unavailable, please contact your Module Tutor.

    Religious Observances

    If you are unable to take examination/s on a particular day/s during the published examination periods for reasons of religious observance, you should contact the exams office and advise us by completing the Religious Observance form (available here) and submitting it via Unihelp. If this notification comes BEFORE the publication of the final exam timetable we will endeavour to move the exam to a permissible day where exam activity is permitted. If forms are submitted AFTER publication of the final exam timetable, the University may only be able to offer a deferral to the next exam period. Please note that all such requests will need to be supported by a formal letter from your religious leader. Arrangements will only be made for religious days of obligations where it is prohibited to partake in examination activity. If you are unable to sit an exam for any other reason, extenuating circumstances should be applied for.

    Headphones in exams

    The use of headphones or any electronic devices in exams is prohibited. Please note that, before sitting an exam, you may be asked to remove any headwear which conceals your ears to enable checking. This is done to ensure that no concealed headphones or other electronic devices will be used during an exam. Female students wearing any form of religious or cultural headwear which conceals your ears may ask that a female invigilator carry out the check in a separate room. You will be asked to momentarily remove your headwear to reveal your ears and face for the purposes of checking for headphones and for identity checking. Where a male student is asked to show that he has no concealed electronic equipment, he may request that this check is carried out by a male invigilator.

    Watches in exams

    Students found in possession of a smart watch will be required to place this in their bags. The use of any smart watch is prohibited in any exam. All watches will have to be placed in the bag. There is a clock displayed in all exam venues.

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