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    Disability and Dyslexia Service

    From 15 July, UniHub, myUniHub will begin to be decommissioned and content will be available on MyMDX (formerly MDXapp). These changes are designed to create a better digital experience for you as a student.

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    Affected by a health condition or learning difficulty?

    Here's a guide to all of our support available.

    • Welcome

    Having a specific learning difficulty or medical condition can impact on your studies. We can arrange support packages for students affected by:

    • Sensory or Mobility Impairments
    • Long term Illnesses
    • Mental Health Conditions
    • Specific Learning Difficulties, such as dyslexia
    • Attention Deficit Disorder
    • Autistic Spectrum Conditions
    • And many more conditions

    The Disability Support Service (DDS) offer:

    • Screenings for dyslexia and specific learning difficulties and referral for full diagnostic assessments
    • Middlesex Disability Support Packages
    • Assistance with arranging Disability Students Allowances (DSA)
    • Troubleshooting – come and talk to us about any issue you are having relating to your disability or support package.

    Find out more about these processes and what’s involved by watching this short video or by reading the information below.

    • Assessment for a Specific Learning Difficulty

    If you think you may have a specific learning difficulty (for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia,  dyscalculia or ADHD) our Disability Advisers are able to offer screenings, which will determine if you need to be referred for a full diagnostic assessment.

    During your screening, you will be asked some questions to identify if there are any indicators of a specific learning difficulty. If there are, you will be referred for a full diagnostic assessment.

    A Diagnostic Assessment is the only way that a specific learning difficulty can be formally identified. These assessments are carried out externally to the University but you will receive all the information about where to book and what to expect from the DDS team.

    Following the assessment you will receive a diagnostic report which will confirm whether a diagnosis has been made. This report can be used as evidence for a Middlesex Support Package and for the Disabled Students Allowance.

    There are several steps to go through and you should be prepared for it to take up to 10 weeks to attain a diagnosis. Here is the step by step process.

    Email to request a screening

    • MDX Support Package

    We can arrange academic support and adjustments for any student who has a disability or long-term health condition that has an impact on their ability to study. These adjustments may include:

    • Exam adjustments
    • In class adjustments
    • Information about your medical condition to be shared with the staff who teach you
    • 1:1 Support
    • Ensuring that your teaching areas are accessible to you
    • Providing learning materials in the appropriate format
    • Library support, including longer loan periods for your library books

    These adjustments will be summarised in a Learning Support Form (LSF) which will be sent to you and to the staff who will be supporting you. You are welcome to contact the Disability Service to request a review of this support at any time.

    Email to request a registration appointment

    Here’s the three step process to arranging an MDX Support Package. Once you have your medical evidence ready it should take less than a week to arrange this support.

    Register for support

    • Disabled Students Allowance

    The Disabled Students Allowance is a grant available to support you with the extra costs you may incur on the course as a direct result of a disability, mental health condition or specific learning difficulty (e.g. Dyslexia).

    You apply through your funding body, which may be,

    • Student Finance England
    • NHS Bursaries and NHS Social Work Bursaries
    • Student Finance Wales
    • Student Finance Northern Ireland
    • Student Awards Agency Scotland.

    To be eligible, you must be on a full- or part-time higher education course (at least 25% of a full-time course). Non-UK students are not eligible for funding through the DSA. However, there may be other sources of funding available. Please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service to discuss the support available to you.

    If you’re applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances or DSAs, you may be asked to arrange a needs assessment.

    There are several stages to the DSA application process and it can take up to 14 weeks to complete so do apply as early as possible. The first step is to complete the DSA application form which you can find here.

    For advice or assistance with your DSA application contact DDS and request a phone call from a Disability Adviser.

    Email to Request a phone call about DSA

    • General Queries

    Let us know about any health-related issues you have with accessing your programme or any problems you are having with your support packages. We’ll work with you to get things back on track.

    We offer 10 minute appointments at Sunny Hill House

    We offer a daily call back service

    We offer email support

    These appointments are an opportunity for a short chat with a Disability Adviser. You can book these on the day by contacting DDS by phone or email.

    Send an email to disability@mdx.ac.uk with the subject Call Back. You’ll get a phone call from a Disability Adviser within 24 hours.

    Send the details of you concern to disability@mdx.ac.uk and we’ll get back to you by email.

    • Tell us about your health condition

    If you’d like to register with us and discuss a support package please complete the DDS Information/Contact Form and one of the team will be in touch with you shortly.

    DDS Information/Contact Form

    • Meet the Team

    Carol Clifford - Disability and Dyslexia Support Manager

    Carol is responsible for the overall management of the Disability Support Service,  SpLD Tuition and Mentoring service.

    She works proactively with colleagues to support students and to promote disability awareness throughout the University.

    Carol is an Accredited Member of the National Association of Disability Practitioners.

    Email: C.Clifford@mdx.ac.uk

    Assie Akani - Disability Advisor

    Assie provides advice and support in relation to disability-related study needs.

    She carries out screening appointments, arranges MDX Support Packages and advises on the Disabled Students Allowance.

    Email: A.Akani@mdx.ac.uk

    David Ramsden - Disability Advisor

    David provides advice and support in relation to disability-related study needs.

    He carries out screening appointments, arranges MDX Support Packages and advises on the Disabled Students Allowance.

    Email: D.Ramsden@mdx.ac.uk

    Amanda Brace - Disability Advisor

    Amandal provides advice and support in relation to disability-related study needs.

    She carries out screening appointments, arranges MDX Support Packages and advises on the Disabled Students Allowance.

    Email: A.Brace@mdx.ac.uk

    Lucy Finnegan – Disability Advisor

    Lucy Finnegan

    Lucy provides advice and support in relation to disability-related study needs.

    She carries out screening appointments, arranges MDX Support packages and advises on the Disabled Student Allowance.

    Email: L.Finnegan@mdx.ac.uk

    Disability Support Policy

    Middlesex University (Hendon) is committed to the promotion of diversity and equality of opportunity throughout its policies, procedures and delivery of learning, teaching and support that govern and determine the quality of student experiences.

    This policy outlines the University’s commitment and approach to creating a positive environment and supportive experience for disabled students that is rooted in fairness, equality, equity and respect.

    Disability Support Policy

    • Where to find DDS

    Sunny Hill House houses our consulting rooms for Counselling and Disability Advisor appointments as well as having a garden at the back which is ideal for wellbeing related activities and as a space for students and staff to relax in.

    Our Disability and Dyslexia team are based in Sunny Hill House which you can access via Greyhound Hill or through the Williams Building car park. You can use the postcode NW4 4JS on Google Maps to find us. The building is wheelchair accessible.

    Postal address

    Sunny Hill House Middlesex University
    The Burroughs
    NW4 4BT

    Office hours

    We are open Monday to Friday  from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

    We are closed on Bank Holidays and University closure days.

    Sunny Hill House map

    • Confidentiality

    Any medical documentation or information about your health that you share with us remains confidential within the Disability and Dyslexia Service. This means we do not share verbal or written information about you to others without your consent. When you register with the Disability and Dyslexia Service we will discuss information sharing with you. We will ask you to complete and sign a  consent to share document which will record whether you have given consent for us to pass on information about your health and your support needs to others within the University.

    If we arrange to make reasonable adjustments to support your learning we will require your explicit consent before sharing information with the staff who will be providing this support. Any request for confidentiality will be respected although it may mean that a less satisfactory adjustment is provided or that no adjustment can be provided.

    We also use statistical information for reporting purposes without revealing your identity.

    We will only break confidentiality if there are concerns about a serious or imminent risk to your own or someone else’s health and safety or when we are required to do so by law.

    • Feedback

    We always welcome your feedback. If you wish to let us know about the service you had, either positive or constructive, please email the DDS team.

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