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    Crisis and emergency help

    Here is some information about possible places to contact in a crisis, either by phone or in person. Some are available out of hours and some are daytime only. Many services can only offer support if you are resident in their area, so it is important to check this before making contact.

    If you are in a life-threatening crisis or emergency, please call 999 at once.

    Your first port of call should be your GP. Your GP has overall responsibility for your physical and mental health care and can provide access to other National Health Services.

    Find the closest A&E at a hospital near you through this NHS search tool

    • Talk to someone right now: Crisis Services & Helplines

    • Crisis Helplines

      England - Every NHS trust has a dedicated NHS Mental Health 24/7 Crisis Helpline Number – you can search by someone’s postcode to find their local service on the NHS website.

      Overseas - Crisis Helplines are listed by Country on the Therapy Route website.

      The Samaritans

      Phone: 116 123
      Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone experiencing emotional distress or feeling in crisis.

      The Cove

      This is a crisis alternative service commissioned by CNLW to provide non-clinical support to individuals experiencing a crisis or mental distress. For adults in Harrow, Brent, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster and Hillingdon. Call 0800 023 4650 and ask about the Cove.

      Papyrus Hopeline247

      Information: This is a service for young people aged under 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or for anyone concerned for a young person who may be at risk, where you can seek confidential support and practical advice.

      Call: 0800 068  0800 068 4141, Text: 07860039967,
      Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

      Open 24/7 365 days per year.

    • Shout

      Shout offers support in a crisis, for example if someone is feeling suicidal, at risk of self-harm, abuse or experiencing relationship issues. Text SHOUT to 85258 to start a confidential conversation via text

      NCL Suicide Prevention Service

      They provide a helpline for people currently experiencing suicidal thoughts or who have experienced these feelings in the past, as well as being available to their family/friends/carers. Translators are available and therefore they can support people whose first language is not English.

      Helpline: 08088 02 00 80, Text: 07860 058 893 (Mon, Wed, Fri, 6pm to 8pm, Sun 6pm to 9pm).

      Local Crisis Resolution and home treatment teams

      If you live in the London Boroughs of Barnet, Enfield or Haringey you can refer yourself to your local Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment Team (CRHT). They provide an urgent service, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, wherever you are at the point of referral (GP practice, a hospital A&E, your own home etc). You should contact your Care Co-ordinator in the first instance if it is between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours you should contact the CRHT team.


      Tel: 020 8702 4040
      1st floor, Dennis Scott Unit, Edgware Community Hospital, Burnt Oak Broadway, Middlesex HA8 0AD


      Tel: 020 8702 3800
      Ivy House, Chase Farm Hospital, The Ridgeway, Enfield EN2 8JL


      Tel: 020 8702 6700
      Lea Unit, St. Ann’s Hospital, St. Ann’s Road, Tottenham, London N15 3TH

    • Face-To-Face Support if you’re feeling at risk for yourself

    • The Listening Place

      A service offering regular face-to-face listening support by trained volunteers to those who are currently or have previously experienced feelings that life does not feel worth living. Support is currently offered face to face in various locations around Central London. You can refer yourself to the service by completing the online form on The Listening Place website.

      Contact: Phone: 020 3906 7676 (9am to 5.30pm), Email: referrals@listeningplace.org.uk


      Maytree is a non-medical, free residential respite centre for people who are feeling suicidal. They can offer a one-off free 4-night stay for adults. It is not possible to drop in - this needs to be organised by contacting them first. During this stay, there are lots of opportunities to be heard in a caring, safe environment. They are currently offering email and telephone support daily between 8am to 8pm. You can find out more on the Maytree website.

      Contact:  Phone: 020 7263 7070, Email: maytree@maytree.org.uk

    • James’ Place

      They offer support to men facing a suicidal crisis. They are located in Clerkenwell near Farringdon station and are open 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays).

      Referrals: To refer a man in a suicidal crisis please complete their referral form on the James' Place website. Men can self-refer or be referred by a professional.

      Contact: Email: london@jamesplace.org.uk

      Body & Soul Charity: YANA  - You Are Not Alone

      Programme for adults who have attempted suicide in the past, including a 20-week Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Programme with an emphasis on practical techniques that can be used straight away when life feels difficult. Sessions are available 7 days a week. They also offer access to: legal advice from solicitors; help to access housing; employment and benefits; someone you trust who can talk to employers; social workers or the Police on your behalf; and a wider team with rich therapeutic experience. Support is also available to wider family/carers.

      Referrals: To refer/become a member you can complete a self-referral form online on the Body and Soul Charity Website. Professionals can complete an online referral on someone’s behalf also on the Body and Soul Charity website.

    • Suicide Prevention Apps and Online Support

    Staying Alive (Suicide Prevention App)

    The app includes loads of information and tools to support someone to stay safe in a crisis, including tools to create their own interactive Wellness Plan and guided breathing exercises. The app also links directly to local and national crisis resources. You can access via their website here:https://www.prevent-suicide.org.uk/find-help-now/stay-alive-app/.

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