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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Become a Student Voice Leader

    Students talking with papers on their laps

    Got an idea to improve your course or your university experience? Becoming a Student Voice Leader can put those ideas into action.

    We have over 600 Student Voice Leaders, each representing every year of our courses. They act as a point-of-contact between students and staff, listening to your views and ideas and then working with the University to make changes that you really want to see. Any student can become a Student Voice Leader at the start of each term - no experience is necessary.

    All Student Voice Leaders receive employability-boosting training from the MDXSU as well as support from the MDXSU Student Officer team.

    Being a Student Voice Leader is a great way to gain skills and confidence, meet new people and boost your CV, all while making a genuine difference at Middlesex. It's easy to fit in around your studies and work, and you'll receive all the training and support you need. You will also receive a certificate (digital accreditation) at the end of the academic year in recognition of your work as a Student Voice Leader.

    For more information visit the MDXSU website or email the Student Leadership Team.

    "Being a Student Voice Leader taught me so much. I was given the opportunity to network, meet new people, make friends and build professional relationships. However, most importantly of all, this role gave me the opportunity to create positive change and make a genuine contribution to Middlesex's student body."

    - Aishah Piprawala, Graduate, Student Voice Leader for 3rd Year Sociology with Criminology

    Programme Voice Groups

    As a Student Voice Leader, you'll be invited to attend the Programme Voice Groups which takes place twice a year. These are productive meetings, useful for both students and staff and is the ideal opportunity to represent and feedback the views and concerns of your course and year to Academic and Service staff.

    Along with the feedback you've collected, the Groups will also discuss information relating to the quality of your programme such as:

    • External Examiner reports
    • Data and action plans from student surveys
    • Updates from programme staff.

    Based on these discussions, the following documents will be available on MyUniHub for all students to review. They contain information about your programme, including feedback from previous students, what changes have been made, and feedback from your external examiner. You'll also be sent the relevant documents before each Programme Voice Group;

    • External Examiner Reports and Programme Team Responses
    • Student Survey results and action plans
    • Previous Group minutes, agendas and action plans
    • Annual Monitoring reports (although not on the formal agenda, you can raise issues from these reports).

    Taking part

    You'll be encouraged to contribute during the Group as well as attend the pre-meeting to ensure you can give feedback and shape the agenda of the Group meeting. If you're not able to attend, you'll have the opportunity to submit a written report instead. If there are no Student Voice Leaders able to attend, ideally the Group should be rescheduled to ensure there is an active discussion about the programmes.

    The minutes of the previous Programme Voice Group will be made available to all students for review and you will be able to provide feedback to your cohort.


    Student Voice Leaders are fully supported and trained by the MDXSU Student Voice Team. The training gives a detailed overview and expectations in the role and gives you all the necessary information to become a successful SVL, therefore there is no prior experience necessary.

    Further information

    The Programme Voice Group should be a place for discussion and an exchange of views, it should not be an environment for individual criticism or blame. A Programme Voice Group should allow students and staff to work together to improve the experience – for both staff and students – on a programme or group of programmes.

    Have a read of the full documentation for Programme Voice Groups which includes expectations of Student Voice Leaders and staff.


    The dates for the pre-meeting and main Programme Voice Group will be scheduled before the start of the academic year and made available in the programme handbook and on MyUniHub. Below is an example year/term structure:

    Start of term Meeting dates will be made available in your programme handbook
    Two weeks prior to the pre-meeting You should collect cohort feedback and prepare for the pre-meeting
    Pre-meeting You will give student feedback, and agree the agenda and discussion to be addressed at the Programme Voice Group
    One week prior to the Programme Voice Group The agenda will be sent to all members (including you) and would include reports and papers. These should be read in advance of the meeting
    Programme Voice Group takes places
    One week post-meeting The action plan should be circulated, ideally within 1-2 days
    Four weeks post-meeting The minutes and the action plan (as a reminder) should be circulated

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