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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Students' Union

    Middlesex University Students' Union (MDXSU) exists to support you, represent you and help you make the most of your time at university.

    • Welcome to your Students’ Union

    Here at MDXSU we exist to support you, represent you, and help you to make the most of your time here.

    We ensure your voice is heard on the issues you care about as well as giving you access to plenty of opportunities to meet new people, develop your skills, discover new talents and boost your employability.

    Join a society, talk to us about your course or come along to our many events. MDXSU is central to your university experience, and we work to support all aspects of student life.

    Get in touch

    We'd love to hear from you! Whilst our offices are currently closed, we’re still here to support and represent you. Email us or send us a message on social media – whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or TikTok!

    For more information about your Students’ Union and for the contact details of our Student Officers and staff team, please visit the MDXSU website.

    Keep up to date with our news and events on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

    • Your MDXSU membership

      To take advantage of all these services and benefits, you don't need to do anything - all students of the University are automatically registered as members of MDXSU, and no fee is involved!

      You can opt out any time during the academic year, although this should preferably be done within 14 days of enrolment. If you wish to opt out for a year, you should obtain the appropriate form from your campus student office during the designated opt-out period.

    • MDXSU elected officers

      MDXSU is led by students and run by five full-time Student Officers - the MDXSU President and four Student Officers.

      Every Student Officer studied at Middlesex and was voted into their role by their fellow students as part of the annual MDXSU Elections.

      Find out more about your elected MDXSU representatives.

    • TOTUM card

    Being a student at Middlesex means you're entitled to a wide range of exclusive student discounts at high street brands, travel services and entertainment providers.

    The TOTUM student discount card is all you need to access exclusive offers, and all new MDX students receive a free TOTUM card for their first year!

    Having this card entitles you to discounts with Apple, Amazon, Co-op stores, Spotify, ASOS, National Express buses, and many other brands and services. The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) bolt-on for international discounts is available as well.

    Check the the full list of brand discounts

    For more information on collecting your card, or buying a card, please email us or visit the TOTUM website.

    • Student Voice Leaders

    Your Student Voice Leader is a student who represents your year of your course, and gathers feedback from you and your fellow students on any issues you've encountered or ideas you have.

    This is a chance for you to have a say in how both your course and your university is run, from timetabling to the cost of food; anything that affects you as a student.

    Student Voice Leaders work with your Programme Leader and other University staff to find solutions and make your time at Middlesex the best it can be.

    Five benefits to becoming a Student Voice Leader

    Five benefits to becoming a Student Voice Leader

    1. You can make major policy decisions which directly improve your course and your school/faculty

    2. You receive professional training that will boost your employability and confidence as a leader.

    3. You gain a formal competency award issued by MDXWorks to showcase your skills and experience to your future employers.

    4. You can be a part of community of hundreds of student leaders with access to termly socials.

    5. You have power to create positive change that will make a genuine contribution to the Middlesex community.

    You can nominate yourself to become a Student Voice Leader at the start of the year - either September/October or January, depending on when your course starts. Every student can be a Student Voice Leader, all you need to do is apply and complete the training!

    Find out more or email our student voice team.

    • Societies and clubs

    We have over 70 student groups and societies from cultural and religious groups to academic and general interest. You're bound to meet like-minded people, develop your skills, and be part of a community on campus, all while having fun.

    Join as many societies as you like or start your own. We can help you with:

    • Space on campus to hold meetings and events
    • Financial support and fundraising guidance
    • Promotional support, including a dedicated webpage on our site
    • Guidance on how to be a successful society and grow your membership

    Liberation Groups

    Our Liberation Groups are for students who often face discrimination and under-representation at university and in wider society.

    We currently oversee four Liberation Groups:

    These groups help students share their experiences, advocate for change and find their supportive networks on campus. To join, you must self-identify with a specific group.

    To join a group and for more information, please email us and visit the MDXSU website.

    Liberation Groups

    Our Liberation Groups are for students who often face discrimination and under-representation at university and in wider society.

    We currently oversee four Liberation Groups:

    These groups help students share their experiences, advocate for change and find their supportive networks on campus. To join, you must self-identify into a specific group.

    To join a group, set up your own or for more information, please email us and visit the MDXSU website.

    • Student Media

    Student Media is a space for open dialogue amongst the student body. Our platform aims to provide a voice for every student, ensuring that their opinions, perspectives, and concerns are heard.

    With the help of students, we will create weekly podcasts about everything from student life to latest updates, events and discussions relevant to our university.

    Through this podcast, we aim to keep you informed, engaged, and connected to the happenings on campus and beyond.

    If you have any suggestions, stories, or topics that you would like us to cover, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on Instagram or email Jay, our Student Officer.

    Merchandise >

    We've got some great MDX branded clothing and merchandise that you can buy with all the money going back into enhancing your student experience.

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