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    Telling your career story

    We want you to be proud of your graduate journey and by completing the Graduate Outcomes survey, you will be able to tell your MDX story.

    What is the Graduate Outcomes Survey?

    The Graduate Outcomes Survey is the biggest measurement of recent graduate perspectives and activity. It helps us understand how we can continue to support our students and graduates.

    By completing the survey you can help us to:

    • Provide lifelong careers and employability support for all graduates
    • Showcase the achievements of our graduate and alumni community
    • Elevate the reputation of your degree subject and university as a whole
    • Support current students with considering their future career options
    • Assist future students with their course choices
    • Climb the university league tables
    • Improve services, events and opportunities for all students and alumni.

    Completing the survey

    We'll get in touch with you via email (middlesexuniversity@graduateoutcomes.ac.uk) 15 months after finishing your course and graduating with instructions on how you can take part.

    The quickest and easiest way is to complete the survey online but it is also possible that you will be contacted by telephone. A call operator will identify themselves as calling on behalf of Middlesex University and ask the same questions found in the online survey.

    Settling into a New Workforce Guide

    The survey questions

    The questions are aimed at understanding what you've been up to since graduating. There will be a focus on employment, further study and any entrepreneurial activities.

    You'll be asked to identify the most important thing you've achieved since graduating. This could be paid or voluntary work, further study, freelancing, developing your portfolio, looking for work or travelling.

    The Graduate Outcomes survey also measures your ‘graduate voice’, meaning you have the opportunity to talk about:

    1. If you're using the skills gained during your degree
    2. How meaningful you believe the outcome to be
    3. How you feel your degree will help you to progress your career goals.

    About the survey and results

    The survey is delivered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited (HESA) to help universities and colleges (HE providers) fulfil their legal requirement to report on the outcomes of higher education to the higher education funding and regulatory bodies.

    The funding and regulatory bodies commission the Graduate Outcomes survey and require HESA and Higher Education providers to work together to deliver the survey.

    HESA supports the advancement of the higher education sector by collecting and publishing timely and reliable data about the sector.

    Your responses

    All responses to the survey are anonymous and your current employment information will not be reported at individual level in any presentation of the data, nor will we ever contact your employer after you complete the survey.

    Middlesex University will only use your anonymised data to provide internal statistical summaries for various stakeholders (e.g. academics, careers & employability service), and external statistical summaries for prospective students who may like to know what our students do when they leave.

    Such anonymised summaries may also be captured in University publications, including our undergraduate and postgraduate prospectus and our web pages.

    HESA have also provided a detailed privacy notice outlining how your data will be processed, who receives this, and what it will be used for.

    • Your career

      By completing your Graduate Outcomes survey, you will benefit from:

      • Lifelong careers and employability support from MDX

      • Exclusive access to Made in Middlesex alumni events where you'll be able to tell your story, mentor current students and add experience to your CV

      • The improved reputation of the University as it climbs through the league tables
    • Support from MDXworks

      We offer lifelong careers and employability support for our graduates which includes:

      • 24/7 support via our online career centre
      • Resources and advice for applications
      • Careers fair and employer presentation access
      • Career guidance
      • Interview coaching.

      Every year, we also launch "Class of ..." LinkedIn groups where you can connect with your course peers and stay up-to-date with current opportunities and exclusive alumni events. Watch out for an email from MDXworks after you graduate with an exclusive invite to join.

      To support you in being able to tell your story, we'd love for you to join our Alumni Community – a network of around 239,000 MDX graduates. By joining you can keep your contact details up to date and receive updates, invitations and MDX news.

    It is not compulsory to complete the Graduate Outcomes survey, but we do hope that you will continue to contribute positively to #TeamMDX by telling us the latest chapter in your career story.

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