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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Care and Concern

    A team of professional service staff who manage support needs relating to situations of significant concern, distress and risk for students.

    How we can help

    Before getting in touch, we encourage you to read the "when to contact us" section as it may be quicker to seek help from a dedicated support service.

    In an emergency, please call Security on 0208 411 6200 and ask for

    • The Designated Safeguarding Officer (Care and Concern)
    • Duty First Aider or an Ambulance (medical attention/emergency)
    • The Police (immediate danger)

    Contacting Care and Concern

    Our Care and Concern Team is there to support students who are experiencing challenging circumstances or crisis – please email CareandConcern@mdx.ac.uk and one of the team will respond. (Staff should complete the Care and Concern referral form).

    • Confidentiality

      Details of your referral remain confidential within the Care and Concern team unless there is an imminent risk of harm. In which case, information may need to be carefully shared on a need-to-know basis in order to ensure that the University environment remains a supportive one.

    When to contact Care and Concern

    Contact Care and Concern for the following: Contact dedicated MDX support services for the following:
    • Wellbeing emergencies such as critical mental health issues where, for example, a student is in significant distress and requires immediate assistance

    • Risk/experience of significant harm and abuse such as domestic violence, honour-based violence, forced marriage, hate crime

    • Safeguarding of under-18s and adults at risk

    • Fitness to study and fitness for practice

    Report.It.To.Stop.It >

    We don't tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment, victimisation or any form of hate (including online). Find out more about how to report this kind of behaviour as well as support on your next steps.

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