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    Campus Safety

    Your safety

    Your safety is important to us. Read our tips and guidance for staying safe and reporting any issues.

    • Your access cards

    Everyone in #TeamMDX has a responsibility to ensure that they don’t allow unauthorised people into buildings on campus with their own card.

    If you ever become aware of this happening, please contact our security team who will deal with the person in question.

    Using your card

    Your ID card is like your key on campus and you're responsible for making sure it stays safe. It should be visible at all times and must be shown when requested by security. If you're not able to produce your ID card, you may be asked to leave the campus.

    As well as being used for ID and access, your ID card can be used for library services such as book borrowing and equipment loans including laptops and cameras.

    The access control system records all card transactions for a 12 month period. However, the information is protected under the University’s Data Protection Policy in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

    Your card is not transferable and shouldn't be duplicated or loaned out to anyone else. If you're found to be misusing the card and/or  being non-compliant of the Terms and Conditions, the card may be removed and disciplinary and/or criminal proceedings may be taken.

    Please read the full Terms and Conditions

    Card issue

    To get an ID card, please contact UniHelp.

    Your card will be issued to you annually during your induction week which takes place in September or January, and can be collected on campus. You'll be sent details of the collection point before your induction week starts.

    During regular term time, you can get a new or replacement card from the Security Control Room in the Quad.

    Lost, stolen or damaged cards

    In the event that your card has been lost or stolen, please inform the security team as soon as possible. They will cancel your card and issue a replacement.

    If you've damaged your card, please inform the security team to be issued a replacement. Replacements card cost £10 and you can purchase one on our online store.

    Parking on campus

    Parking is limited on-campus but we do have options in place for you if you are a blue badge holder or require special consideration for a permit.

    Apply for a permit
    • Security on campus

    Here are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your belongings while at university.

    Protecting yourself

    • Try to keep to well lit areas if walking alone at night, and keep to pavements and footpaths
    • Always plan your route when you go out
    • Only ever use licensed mini cabs or taxis
    • Don't leave drinks unattended
    • Watch out for your friends

    Protecting your belongings

    • Never disclose passwords or PINs
    • Avoid letting strangers in to communal entrance ways at home or through swipe card access points on campus
    • Don't leave your car or house keys near windows or letter boxes at home.

    Key contacts

    For emergencies: Call Security on 0208 411 6200

    For non-emergencies: Call Security on 0208 411 4329

    • Being safe on campus

    Please be make yourself aware of the following procedures and polices

    First aid

    First aid information is displayed throughout the university in conspicuous places - seek first aid in the event of illness or injury.

    In Hendon, a first aid rota is in operation covering most of the campus. The main security office phone number is 020 8411 6200 where all first aid requests are taken and passed on to a duty first aider.

    Accident and Hazard reporting

    You should always report accidents that result in injury or any unsafe situations that could cause an injury, ill health or damage. Working together, we can keep the campus as a safe environment for everyone. Reports can be made to a member of staff responsible for your area of activity, or to someone at the Campus Facilities Office.

    Fire safety

    If you discover a fire, raise the alarm at once by sounding the nearest fire alarm or leaving the building immediately and reporting it to the duty officer or security guard once outside.

    Upon hearing the fire alarm, you should leave the building quickly and calmly, don't stop to collect personal belongings and don't use the lift. If an exit is blocked, find an alternative route. Do not obstruct access points and do not re-enter building until you've been given the all clear

    It's important to know your assembly points and check your smoke detectors in halls.

    It's an offence for improper use of a break glass. Any person found smashing a break glass for fun, to panic or cause distress will be identified and details passed to the police. Every false activation means the emergency services are called away from a situation that could be life threatening.

    Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

    If you have difficulty getting in and out of buildings during an emergency such as a fire (for example due to a disability or medical condition) and you feel you need some assistance, even it is only temporary, please get in touch.

    You can either contact Disability and Dyslexia Support, or the University Health and Safety Unit

    You can also download and complete the self-assessment form to send over to give us more information.

    Security worries

    If you are a victim of crime or want to report any suspicious activity on campus, please contact our campus watch 24 hour control room by calling 0208 411 6200.

    For non-emergency situations including safety or general advice about the campus, you can contact our Security by calling  0208 411 4329 or visitng their office based in the Quad.

    In an emergency, dial 999. Keep calm and answer the operator's questions as clearly as you can, giving as much information as possible. If you don't know the address at which the incident occurred or is occurring, look for landmarks such as tube or train stations, schools, shops or churches.

    For non-emergency situations, contact your local police station.

    Our security team

    Nick Wise, Head of Security

    Jamie Steed, Security Systems Supervisor

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