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    MDXcelerator Resources: Entrepreneurship and Wellbeing

    Explore these resources to gain valuable insights into the world of successful entrepreneurs and the importance of resilience. Download the business resilience toolkit to equip yourself with essential knowledge and tools. Discover inspirational movies that offer both entertainment and entrepreneurial lessons. Challenge the notion that disability should hinder entrepreneurial success and explore the art of making wellbeing a top priority. Explore entrepreneurial stories focused on contingency planning, the significance of self-awareness, and how emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in the entrepreneurial journey.

    • Stories From Successful Entrepreneurs

      Screenshot of YouTube thumbnail - picture with the teacher

      This original 4-part documentary series focuses on the most common mental health issues facing entrepreneurs, told through the stories of some remarkable people.

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    • New Business Resilience Toolkit

      Animation of three lines elevating from the lower right corner

      This toolkit is designed to help you make your business more resilient in the face of significant disruptions. You will explore risks, resilience plans and team work.

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    • Business Movies With Real Lessons

      Animation of a vintage movie clapper board

      Films inspire and ignite our imaginations like nothing else. At the same time, there are few greater aspirations in life than launching and running a massively successful business.

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    • Business Without Barriers

      Picture of a person in wheelchair sitting at a desk, working on a computer

      Discover stories from successful business owners who are disabled people, guidance from leading experts and organisations, and our recommendations for Government.

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    • Workplace wellbeing

      Pincture of two happy people talking with others blurrend in the bakground

      Taking care of your wellbeing can have positive effects on your mental health, physical health and productivity. We’re supporting small businesses across the UK.

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    • Stories: Contingency Planning

      Picture of a jigsaw puzzle

      Being a boss can be a lonely business, but we're here to help you every step of the way. Whether you need advice, smart tools or training, this can help you grow with confidence.

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    • Self-Awareness

      Picture of a person with sunglasses on smiling and looking up

      The ability to develop, understand and regulate your mindset and behaviours is central to becoming an effective entrepreneurial leader, so throughout this module we’re going to give you some key tools and techniques to help you develop your self-awareness further.

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    • EQ for Entrepreneurs

      Screenshot of YouTube thumbnail - picture with the teacher

      Emotional intelligence (EQ) is one of the most important soft skills for an entrepreneur to develop. The ability to manage one’s emotions and those around you is a powerful tool that can impact the success of your business.

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