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    MDXcelerator Resources: Understanding Your Customers

    Explore a range of resources designed to help you enhance your understanding of customers and their online behaviour. Gain insights into the "W3 - Who, What, and Why Framework" to delve deeper into customer profiles and motivations. Learn about customer behaviour online and strategies for identifying and expanding your user base. Additionally, discover effective methods to ensure your online presence aligns with customer needs, making it easier for them to find your business.

    • Understand Your Customers

      Screenshot of YouTube thumbnail - picture of a group of three people working together

      By knowing and understanding the problem you're trying to solve, from your market’s point-of-view, will help you building a solution to meet your customer's view.

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    • Who, What and Why

      Screenshot of YouTube thumbnail - picture of a customer purchasing something online

      The W3 - Who, What and Why Framework enables founders and CEOs to figure out how to get on the path to product-market fit and know when they’ve achieved it.

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    • What is Brand Discovery

      Animation displaying e-commerce faship platform

      When people surf the web or watch videos, they're on the lookout for brands that meet their needs. Nearly 3 in 4 agree that they're on the lookout for products that are relevant to them.

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    • Growing Your User Base

      Annimation of a laptop displaying a brain

      This course will help you organise a strategy of identifying your perfect user, and teach you how to grow your user base by focusing your product on their needs.

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    • Will Customers Find You Online

      Animaiton of a customer service working employee from home

      Discover some of the ways businesses can reach and connect with more customers online, improve your search engine performance (SEO), and use online advertising (SEM) to boost sales and awareness.

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    • Google Consumer Insights

      Animaiton of a graphic from the Google website

      Here you will find the data we’re exploring and the trends we’re tracking along with forward-looking perspectives and behind-the-scenes looks at digital campaigns —across industries, platforms and audiences.

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