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    National Student Survey (NSS)

    The National Student Survey (NSS) is organised for final-year, undergraduate students between January – April each year. NSS 2024 is open from 8 January 2024 until 30 April 2024 - and you are able to complete the survey online.

    Complete the survey today!

    What is the NSS?

    Commissioned independently by the Office for Students (OfS), The National Student Survey (NSS) is organised for final-year, undergraduate students between January – April each year.

    Conducted independently by Ipsos, the survey is completely anonymous, and the results will highlight what we're doing right at Middlesex, as well as identifying the areas where you think we could improve. NSS 2024 is open from 8 January 2024 until 30 April 2024 - and you are able to complete the survey online here.

    It's an opportunity to reflect on your time at university, and gives you a chance to let future students know about your university experience. It takes a few minutes to complete and lets you show the world how you value your programme and university experience. If you’re not eligible to complete the NSS this year, find out how else you can provide feedback.

    See the prize winners from the 2024 NSS Survey here.

    All results and actions will be discussed at Programme Voice Groups and shared via the Programme space in MyLearning.

    Your impact >

    Actions taken in response to feedback from student surveys, such as NSS, will be discussed at the Programme Voice Groups. See what changes we've been making.

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