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    Assistive Technology available for use

    Laptops for loan are available. For further information, please contact our IT Support team.

    Read and Write Gold is installed on all pcs and laptops

    Microsoft Ease of Access Centre on PCs includes:

    • Visual alternatives for sounds
    • Text to speech instead of visual display
    • On-screen keyboard
    • Speech recognition/pointer instead of mouse/keyboard- dictates text
    • Onscreen magnifier
    • Windows narrator
    • Link to learning about additional assistive technologies online

    Macs have accessible features already built in: http://www.apple.com/uk/accessibility

    • Vision: VoiceOver informs visually impaired users about activity on their device
    • Hearing: FaceTime video calls communicates using sign language and facial expression
    • Physical and motor skills: Enter common Multi-Touch gestures using AssistiveTouch
    • Learning and literacy: Guided Access in iOS helps those with cognitive disabilities stay focused on a single app

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