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    myUniHub A-Z


    Accommodation - Portlets for returning and new students on the Getting Started and My Admin & Finances pages. The portlet enables students to apply on line for a place in hall, search for private rented accommodation and seek help from Accommodation Services.

    Activities (New Students) - Portlet on the Getting Started page that shows students some of the activities running during the first few weeks of study.

    Activities (Returning Students) - Portlet on the Welcome Back page that shows students some of the activities running during the first few weeks of study.

    Announcements - Portlet on the My Middlesex page that provides students with announcements that are relevant to them.


    Career Information - Portlet on the My Graduation and Beyond page enables finalist students to access Employability Service.


    Enrol Here (New Students) - Portlet on the Getting Started page that enables students to enrol.  It also provides information to help students understand what they need to do to ensure they can enrol.

    Enrolment Terms and Conditions (New and Returning students)


    Finance (New Students) - Portlet on the Getting Started page that enables students to see and help understand their financial account, make a payment by credit or debit card, and for international students make a payment by International Bank transfer.

    Finance (Returning Students) - Portlet on the Welcome Back page that enables students to see and help understand their financial account, make a payment by credit or debit card, and for international students make a payment by International Bank transfer.

    Further Study - Portlet on the My Graduation and Beyond page that enables finalist students to view information about postgraduate study, scholarships, bursaries, open evenings, etc and to apply online.


    Getting Started - Page in myUniHub that contains information new students need prior to their arrival and as they commence their study.

    Graduating - Portlet on the My Graduation and Beyond page provides information related to graduation ceremonies, certificates, diploma supplements, academic references and professional registration to finalist students.


    Help - Page in myUniHub for all students to help and support students in the use of myUniHub.  This includes videos, digital guide and phone & on-line support.

    'How To' Videos - Portlet on the Help page that provides access to Login and logout of myUniHub, Enrol/re-enrol, Pay your fees and other useful instructional videos.


    International Support - Portlet on the My Admin and Finances page  that provides information about events and support for international students.

    Is My Information Correct? -  Portlet on the My Graduation and Beyond page enables finalist students to ensure the University has their up-to-date name, address and phone number


    Keep in Touch - Portlet on the My Graduation and Beyond page provides finalist students with access to information for alumni (including benefits, bursaries, scholarships, etc). Students can also find out how to donate to the University annual fund.

    Key Contacts - Portlet on the My Middlesex page that shows student the contact details of their module leaders, programme leader, advisor (as applicable), and other relevant office contacts and opening hours.


    Letters and Forms - Portlet on the My Admin and Finances page enables students to request a Student Status letter, a letter to open a bank account or obtain council tax discount.  Students can review the status of their request too.  A variety of forms issued by the University (eg: deferral of assessment, extenuating circumstances) can be viewed here.


    My Admin and Finance - Page in myUniHub for all students to find information related to non-academic matters.

    My Calendar -  Portlet on the My Middlesex page that enables students to see the Academic Calendar and for UK students to see their personal Teaching Timetable.

    My Email - Portlet on the My Middlesex page that enables students to see their University Email account.

    My Employment - Portlet on the My Study page that provides information related to placements, volunteering and employability opportunities and skills.

    My Fees and Finances - Portlet on the My Admin and Finances page that enables students to see and help understand their financial account, make a payment by credit or debit card (students in the UK only), and for international students make a payment by International Bank transfer.  Also provides students with the ability to review their outstanding Library charges.

    My Financial Aid - Portlet on the My Admin and Finances page that provides students with information about student loans and grants, University financial support and links to other financial support available.  Students can monitor the progress of applications they have made for financial assistance.

    My Graduation and Beyond - Page for all finalist students to see information related to graduation and their options after that.

    My Learning - Portlet on the My Middlesex and My Study pages that enables students to access their online learning materials for their modules, programme, subject area etc.

    My Library - Portlet on the My Study page that enables access to electronic resources via Library Search, Library subject guides, databases, ejournals, ebooks, etheses, newspapers and the University research repository.  This portlet also provides access to inter-library loans and a login to the University Library system to renew books, place requests, etc.

    My Middlesex - Page in myUniHub for all students providing access to key information including my status, learning, calendar, email, announcements.

    My Personal Record - Portlet on the My Admin and Finances page to enable students to keep their personal information, address, phone number, email address and emergency contact details up-to-date.

    My Progress and Achievement - Portlet on the My Study page that enables students to see their module grades and progression as well as providing other key information to support students with their grades.

    My Status - Portlet on the My Middlesex page that enables students to see their current enrolment status, progress code and holds.  It also enables students to enrol.

    My Study - Page in myUniHub for all students providing access to information related to a student's academic study.

    My Timetable -  Portlet on the My Study page that enables students to see the Teaching Timetable and Academic Calendar as well as the University Exam Timetable.

    myUniHub Policies - Portlet on the Help page that provides access to Computer use and other policies for students.

    My Wellbeing - Portlet on the My Admin and Finances page that enables students to access Disability and Dyslexia Service as well as Counselling and Mental Health Team to discuss possible support arrangements.


    Online Booking - Portlet on the My Study page that provides UK students with the ability to book a group study room.


    Password Change - Portlet on the My Middlesex page that enables students to register for and to reset the password for their IT User ID.

    Prepare to Study - Portlet on the Getting Started page that provides new students with access to study materials for their programme before they commence their study.  It also provides advice and guidance on managing your studies and getting the most out of your time at University.


    Software - Portlet on the My Study page that provides students with access to Microsoft Office online and their OneDrive, other software and software guidance such as wireless use and anti-virus tools.

    Study Skills -  Portlet on the My Study page that provides information about how to get extra help with your studies.  For example booking time with the Learning Enhancement Team (LET) , a specialist librarian, an IT Specialist or finding out about dyslexia support and learner development materials.

    System Status - Portlet on the My Middlesex page that will display the current status of systems.  It is used to inform students of any planned outages or any system issues.


    To Do List (New Students) - Portlet on the Getting Started page that provides a list of tasks to be carried out in preparation for the start of your studies or the start of a new year.

    To Do List (Returning Students) - Portlet on the Welcome Back page that provides a list of tasks to be carried out in preparation for the start of your studies or the start of a new year.


    UniHelp - Portlet on the Help page that provides access to UniHelp Online, UniHelp User Guide, their phone number, opening times as well as other useful support information.

    University Catalogue - Portlet on the My Study page that provides access to the aims and learning outcomes, assessment methods, progression requirements for all the University programmes and modules.

    University Regulations - Portlet on the My Admin and Finances page that provides access to University academic, financial and assessment regulations.

    Using myUniHub - Portlet on the Help page that provides access to Portal Guide, FAQs, Glossary of Terms and this A to Z list.


    Video Tour - Portlet on the Help page that provides access to a collection of 'how to' video clips.


    Welcome Back - Page in myUniHub that returning students will see that contains the information and tasks they need to carry out before recommencing their study.

    Welcome (New Students) - Portlet on the Getting Started page that welcomes students.  It provides new students with their induction information and specifically where are when to turn up on their first day.

    Welcome (Returning Students) - Portlet on the Getting Started and Welcome Back pages that welcomes students.  It provides new students with their induction information.

    What's New This Year? - Portlet on the Welcome Back page that informs returning students of changes made for the start of the next year of their study.

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