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    Student Protection Plan

    The Student Protection Plan (SPP) requires us to identify any risks to continuation of study for our students, measures put in place to mitigate those risks, arrangements for refund and compensation and for publication of the plan. This plan is based on our assessment of our risk profile in relation to the continuation of study for Middlesex University students as at 29 October 2020. You can download the Student Protection Plan.

    The plan covers an assessment of the range of risks to the continuation of study for Middlesex students across all of its campuses (London, Dubai, Mauritius and Malta), and the measures put in place to mitigate those risks that the University considers to be reasonably likely to crystallise

    One of the Middlesex University core values is ‘We put students first’.  We have a regulatory framework to support student continuation of study, including:

    • robust processes for approval of new programmes, amendment of programme content and discontinuation of programmes that follow expectations set out in the UK Quality Code,
    • strong budget setting and management processes and regular reporting,
    • active student representation and requirements for student engagement in key programme matters,
    • a clear Complaints Procedure that complies with the Office of the Independent Adjudicator Good Practice Framework,
    • a governance structure that meets good practice standards and ensures decision-making is evidence-based and transparent.

    As a dynamic institution there will be changes to our programme portfolio or other aspects of our learning and teaching environment and we are committed to ensuring we continue to keep our students (and applicants) informed. How we keep students informed of these changes is set out in our academic policy Making Changes to Published Programme Related Information.

    The overall risk that the University will no longer be able to deliver programmes is negligible since the University is in a strong and robust financial position. The University engages in business continuity planning which provides for continuity of delivery and access to resources in the event of a major incident at the University.

    Refund and Compensation

    In the event that the University was unable to preserve continuation of study for students, it would seek to provide appropriate compensation to students. The University has established procedures for determining compensation. You can download the Student Refund and Compensation policy.

    Communication of plan

    The Student Protection Plan is made available online at http://www.mdx.ac.uk/courses and on the Unihub site at https://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/student-life/university-regulations-and-policies. It is also communicated to students through links included in programme handbooks.

    If the University closes a programme during the recruitment cycle, or makes changes to the programme, we inform applicants as early as possible in order to minimise the potential disruption to the application process. Where possible, we will offer an alternative programme in a similar subject area or support applicants’ substitution of choice to another institution via UCAS.

    Where we make major changes to programmes, or make a decision to close a programme, students are notified by the programme leader, and provided with the information required to enable them to continue to study and to complete the programme. Students have access to advice via UniHelp and the Progression and Support team. Students can also seek independent advice from the Students’ Union Advice service.

    Managing Unforeseeable Events

    There are unforeseeable events and/or circumstances that are beyond the reasonable control of the University, that have a disruptive effect on the University’s ability to deliver academic or other services. This statement shows how the University will respond in these circumstances.

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