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    Brexit information

    The UK officially left the European Union on 31 January 2020. The UK has now entered into a transition period from 1 February 2020 until 1 January 2021. The transition period ensures that:

    • Most EEA/Swiss nationals and eligible non UK/EEA family members will need to apply for Settled (or Pre-Settled) Status via the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living in the UK after 30 June 2021. Individuals will need to have started living in the UK by 31 December 2020. The deadline for applications is the 30 June 2021.
    • UK universities can continue to participate in Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ and receive funding for the duration of their projects
    • EU students starting courses in 2020/21 will remain eligible for home fee status and student support for the duration of their course.

    A new points based immigration system has been introduced, as well as further guidance on the new student visa and graduate route.

    The University is working hard to influence Government and other decision makers on the impact of Brexit for universities and students. At Middlesex we value our students from across Europe and the ways they enrich our community and our campus life. We are determined to preserve the diversity of our University and remain welcoming to people from across the world.

    We are committed to supporting our current students through any challenges that arise as the Brexit negotiations go forward and as any actions take place. Please check these pages regularly for ongoing updates, announcements and news.

    The resources below are also at your disposal if you would like further help and advice in relation to welfare matters.

    There are further details in the FAQs below.

    For the latest information on getting ready for Brexit on 31 January 2020, you should also check out: www.gov.uk/brexit

    • FAQs

      • I’m worried about my immigration status – where can I find answers?

          If you are an EU/EEA/Swiss national and have questions or concerns related to your immigration status following Brexit, you can contact the International Student Advice Team: By phone 020 8411 4507 or email: intadvice@mdx.ac.uk or make an appointment/ attend a workshop with one of the team.

          Further guidance on applying for settled status can also be found on the government website.

          You can also ask the Home Office if you have any questions about applying for settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme through the EU settled status enquiries service .

      • Will I be able to stay and work in the UK once I have finished my studies?

        If you already reside in the UK, or you arrive in the UK by 31 December 2020, you are eligible to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021. For EU citizens arriving after 31 December 2020, the government has introduced a new points-based system from January 2021.

        The Government has announced that a new Graduate Immigration Route will be available for international students who have completed a degree in the UK from Summer 2021. Graduates of any skill level will be able to stay and look for work for up to 2 years after their degree is completed, or up to 3 years for PhD students. This visa route will open in summer 2021 to international students who have completed a course at a higher education provider with a track record of compliance with the UK Government’s immigration requirements. Graduates will also be able to move into different visa routes if they have a suitable job offer from a sponsor and can meet the requirements of the route.

    • Tuition fees, student loans and funding

      • Will my fees as a current EU student increase?

        The tuition fee status will not change for current EU/EEA students attending UK universities or for those coming for courses starting in 2019/20 or 2020/21. EU/EEA students studying at UK universities will pay the same fees as UK students for the full duration of their course, even if the course finishes after the UK has left the EU.

        If you have any queries relating to student funding/finance, you can email stufees@mdx.ac.uk.

        If you are an EU/EEA/Swiss national and have questions or concerns related to your immigration status following Brexit, you can contact the International Student Advice Team: By phone 020 8411 4507 or email: intadvice@mdx.ac.uk or make an appointment/ attend a workshop with one of the team.

        Further guidance on applying for settled status can also be found on the government website.

        You can also ask the Home Office if you have any questions about applying for settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme through the EU settled status enquiries service

    • Healthcare

      • What access rights will I have to healthcare?

        The UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) have published information about healthcare in the UK for EU, EEA and Swiss nationals, and useful information on Brexit and what it means for students and their family.

        Until the UK leaves, EU students will continue to have access to healthcare under the same conditions as now.

        Once the UK leaves, EU students are advised to apply for pre-settled/settled status as this protects both their immigration status and their access to healthcare.

    • Help and Advice

      • I’m experiencing anxiety/ mental health issues relating to the Brexit situation

        We understand that this can be a really uncertain and therefore worrying time for many members of the MDX community. You should never suffer silently or feel alone. If you’re experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental health issue related to Brexit, the following support services are at your disposal:

        Student Support and Wellbeing - advice and support, including counselling

        Bullying and harassment

        Cause for Concern Procedure - the Cause for Concern Procedure should be followed for concerns such as health, wellbeing, conduct, safety or vulnerability which can affect a student’s academic engagement.

      • I’m worried about my safety on campus

        If you're worried about any activities atf the University causing a concern to your own or another's healthy, safety or welfare or have an suggestions for improvement, please report these concerns to the relevant member of staff or your Campus Student Office.

        Any crime or incident occurring on the University premises should be immediately reported to the nearest University Security Lodge or Main Campus Reception where advice can be given. Find out more about safety on campus.

        Hendon Reception Tel: 0208 411 6976

    • Studying Abroad

      • How will Brexit affect the Erasmus+ programmes?

        UK based students will be able to participate in the current Erasmus+ programme until it ends at the end of academic year 2020/21. This means that you can complete Erasmus+ mobility periods and receive funding. There is a funding around for Erasmus programmes that closes in February and any funding agreed then will be honoured, even if the placements take place after the end of the transition period (e.g. for Erasmus funding awards are for two years).

        The UK government has signalled that it is open to joining Erasmus + successor programme from 2021, but this is not yet confirmed and will be negotiated after we leave the EU on 31 January. If you are concerned about this, please speak to your Programme Leader.

        For any other enquiries, please contact exchanges@mdx.ac.uk

        The UK will remain in the Horizon 2020 research programme, which means that UK-based researchers can bid for all H2020 calls issued by 31 December 2020 and any successful grants will be covered in full for the duration of the project.

        Stay up to date by following developments on these sites:

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