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    • Coursework

    Most modules will require that your complete an amount of coursework as part of your assessment. Module tutors will publish deadlines for submission of coursework and these can be found in My Learning.

    It's important to meet deadlines for submitting coursework. These will be laid down by module tutors no later than at the time the work is set.

    Sometimes deadlines from different modules will come at the same time, and it is important to plan your workload to meet these deadlines.

    Deferral of assessment of coursework is possible but you should ensure that you are aware of the possible consequences of doing this. More information on deferrals can be found here.

    • Examinations

    Middlesex have different assessment period dates throughout the academic year. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the information around examination timetables, etiquette and other FAQs.

    Find out more

    • Extenuating Circumstances and Late Submission

    There may be difficult circumstances in your life that affect your ability to meet an assessment deadline or affect your performance in an assessment. These are known as Extenuating Circumstances or ECs. Extenuating Circumstances are exceptional, unforeseen, outside of your control, and have a serious impact on your studies.

    Make sure you're familiar with ECs as it's your responsibility to let the University know about any circumstances that have affected your work at the time they occur.

    Find out more

    • Progression and Results

    Find a full list of progression codes, and an explanation of the University grading scale to help you understand what they mean, and whether any action needs to be taken by you.

    Find out more

    • Diploma Supplements and Certificates

    All students who graduate from Middlesex will automatically receive a final qualification certificate and diploma supplement on completion of their studies.

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    • Appeals

    An Academic Appeal is a formal request that a decision made by an Assessment Board or Programme Progression Board (or equivalent at a Partner Institution) is reconsidered because of special circumstances.

    Find out more

    FAQs >

    We know that the assessment period can be a stressful time, so we've put together an easy read guide to answer any questions you may have.

    Read our FAQs

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