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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Module registration

    Focus your studies your way by tailoring your degree to your subject interests

    You'll be informed when it's time to choose your optional modules.

    • Pick your optional modules

    • Frequently Asked Questions

    • Choosing your Optional Modules

      • What is an optional module?

        Core modules are modules that you must pass to complete your programme and are automatically registered for you. Optional modules are modules you can choose to study because they suit your interests and career aspirations.

        Optional modules give you the opportunity to focus on the subject areas you are most interested enabling you to get the skills and knowledge to help you in your future career.

      • How do I choose the best optional module for me?

        You can view more information about a module in the module narrative in your Module Handbook on the module pages of MyLearning’ Programme.

        You may also wish to speak to the Module Leader before making your decision.

      • Planning a placement?

        A placement is an opportunity to gain valuable work experience as a part of your degree.

        If you are planning to undertake a placement choose your option modules and tick the box at the bottom of the form (see link below) to indicate that you are interested in doing a placement. You will be contacted by the Employability team to discuss you request.

      • How do I register my chosen option modules?

        Complete and submit the Module Registration Form and we will register your option modules for you.

        You will receive an email confirming your option module choices.

      • Will I get to study my first choice of option modules?

        The majority of students will study their first choice of option modules but occasionally we may ask you to choose an alternative module.

        Some option modules have a maximum number of registrations. We will let you know if the option module you chose has reached the maximum number. We may ask you to choose an alternative option module.

        The option modules you chose can create a clash on your timetable. A clash is when two or more of your core or options modules are taught at the same time on the same day. We will try to remove the clash by moving your classes to another time or day where we can but if we are unsuccessful, we will ask you to choose another option module.

    If you experience a technical issue when completing the online form or other queries relating to your programme, please submit an online query.

    For help with online module registration or any other query you have, please contact UniHelp...

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