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    Religious needs


    Middlesex University, which attracts students and staff from different parts of the world, is celebrated for its diversity and inclusivity. This is why the University incorporates the type of facilities on or near campus in order to cater for your spiritual needs and beliefs. There are many student societies such as the campus Islamic societies, and the Christian Union that you can join.

    See the Barnet Multi Faith Forum for further advice and support.

    Prayer Rooms

    The Prayer Room is located in Portakabin 8 for men and the Sports Pavilion for women; this space is open to both students and staff. Both facilities are purpose built for prayer with suitable ablution facilities, carpet and a small library.

    Our on-campus prayer room has reopened and is available to all staff and students Monday-Friday from 12.00-18.00, with the following prayers arranged as below:

    • Duhr at 12:30
    • Asr at 15:00
    • Maghrib at 16.45

    The prayer space has been configured to allow for safe social distancing at all times and face coverings are required by all unless exempt. Please see here for the health and safety measures that are taking place.

    Daily congregational prayers take place at the appropriate time in the Prayer Room. Due to the large number of students that attend the Friday Prayer, there are two congregational prayers which take place in the Barn building instead of the daily prayer room, these are open for both men and women in that building.

    We hope the Prayer Room will allow you to practice your faith on campus.

    Any issues relating to the condition (cleaning, maintenance, etc.) of this space should be reported to the main campus Reception on 0208 411 5967 as soon as possible.

    Security problems should be reported to Security Control on 0208 411 6200 immediately.

    Christian worship

    Christ Church Hendon is located across the road from The Barn and the church is open to staff and students for private prayer on Tuesdays and Thursdays (12.00-14.00) and on Sundays (14.00-16.00).

    MDX Interfaith Group

    At Middlesex we enjoy a rich, vibrant and diverse multicultural and multi-faith community. Within this community we have the opportunity to learn from each other and with a greater knowledge of other faiths and beliefs we can live, study and work better together – helping us achieve a stronger sense of social cohesion whilst celebrating our differences.

    If you would like to know more and /or have ideas of how we can make changes for the better, then please email: MDXInterfaith@mdx.ac.uk

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