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Biometric Residence Permits and passports

New Online immigration status (eVisa)

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is in the process of creating a digital immigration system. This entails UKVI substituting physical documents with an online record of one's immigration status. This is referred to as an eVisa.

Click for more eVisa information

Biometric Residence Permits

About the permits

When you make a successful Student Visa application from outside the UK, you will usually be granted a short visa in your passport (this is called a vignette). Your vignette will be 30 – 90 days in length and will allow you to enter the UK.

The vignette is proof only of your permission to enter the UK. It is important that you check the date on your vignette.  If you do not travel within this period to the UK, your visa will expire and you will need to apply for another visa.

Collecting your BRP

The location of your collection will be clearly visible on your Decision letter from UKVI (Home Office).

BRP cards should be collected within 10 days of arrival, however If you are required to self-isolate on arrival to the UK, you should not collect your BRP until after this period. In line with updated DfE guidance students will not be penalised for being unable to collect their Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) while coronavirus (COVID-19) measures are in place.

Collecting your BRP Card on campus

To meet the COVID-19 concessions set out by the UKVI, the University has introduced a collection service by invitation only from the UniHelp Desk in Sheppard Library .

UniHelp Desk will send an email to your student account once your BRP has arrived. This email will explain requirements and arrangements for you to come and collect your card safely. You must only collect your BRP after you have self-isolated and social distancing rules allow you to do so.

Collecting your BRP card from a Post Office

If your collection location is the Post office you should go there to collect your BRP. You do not need an appointment. To collect your BRP, you must have your passport and also the decision letter issued by UKVI. You will have been allocated a post office branch based on the postcode you submitted in your visa application.

If you do not collect your BRP once safe to do so, you may be subject to a financial penalty or cancellation of your leave, so it is very important that you collect it as soon as you can.


We can also receive BRPs for your dependants. In order for us to ensure your dependant's cards are stored with yours, we will ask for their details when we contact you.

Need to make a correction?

If you notice an error on your BRP card such as the length of permission or the conditions, you must inform the Home Office and contact our International team within 14 days and request an administrative review of the error.

A late submission may be rejected so please ensure you contact the Home Office as soon as possible.

Checking your details

On collection you should check that your BRP card includes all the correct information:

  • Your name and date of birth
  • States you are a Student route (General) student
  • The Sponsor Licence Number (SLN) of the institution that you intend to study at
  • The start and end dates of the permissions are correct

Your visa should cover the full duration of your programme, plus an additional ‘wrap-up period’. The length of your wrap-up period will depend on the overall length of your programme.

Additional periods of leave before and after the course

5.67 - In addition to the period granted to the applicant to undertake their course of study, additional periods will also be granted to the applicant as set out in the following table

Type of CoursePeriod to be granted before the course startsPeriod to be granted after the course ends
12 months or more1 month before the course starts or 7 days  before the intended date of travel, whichever is later4 months
6 months or more but less than 12 months1 month before the course starts or 7 days  before the intended date of travel, whichever is later2 months
pre-sessional course of less than 6 months1 month before the course starts or 7 days  before the intended date of travel, whichever is later1 month
Course of less than 6 months that is not a pre-sessional course7 days before the course starts7 days
Postgraduate doctor or dentist1 month before the course starts or 7 days  before the intended date of travel, whichever is later1 month
  • If you are allowed to work in the UK

Lost or stolen BRP cards

We strongly advise that you keep your Biometric Residence Card (BRC) safe. It is evidence of your right to be in the UK and shouldn't be used as evidence of proof of age.

If it does get lost or stolen, either in the UK or abroad, you will need to report the loss or theft to the nearest police station and obtain a reference number or letter.

Lost or stolen in the UK

If your card is lost or stolen in the UK, you will need to report the theft to the local police as well as on the Gov.uk website.

You must include:

  • Your full name, date of birth and nationality
  • Your contact details
  • Your passport number
  • Your BRP reference number (for example RA1234567)
  • Your police case reference number
  • When, where and how the loss or theft occurred.

You will also need to send some additional documents with your application such as proof of address, student status letter and a copy of your Biometric Residence Permit.

If your immigration permission was about to expire (within 4 weeks of you losing your passport or ID card) you don't need to apply on TOC or on the BRP (RC) form and you can make a new application to extend your stay in the UK.

Lost or stolen outside the UK

If your card is lost or stolen outside the UK, you can apply for a short one month replacement visa at the nearest British Embassy or Consulate.

On your return to the UK, you will need to apply for a full replacement BRP on the BRP (RC) form.

Lost or stolen passport

If you lose or have your passport stolen, whether in the UK or abroad, you will need to

  • Report the loss or theft to the local police and obtain a reference number or letter
  • Obtain a replacement passport from the nearest embassy for your country.

If you are in the UK, the closest embassies are in London.

If you are outside the UK when you lose your passport, you can check your country's government website for details of the nearest office.

Some embassies are able to issue new passports here in the UK while others only issue them in your home country and will only give you a travel document. Processing times vary between embassies so check with them directly.

  • Replacing your visa

    If your lost or stolen passport had your visa on a sticker inside, you will need to apply for a Transfer of Conditions.

    If this is the case while you're outside the UK, the process to get the necessary replacement visa to re-enter the UK will take time so you may need to extend your time abroad.

    Please follow these steps to replacing your visa:

    1. Report the loss or theft to the police and obtain a reference number or letter
    2. Contact the University to inform us of your situation and to obtain scans of your missing passport/visa, original   CAS statement and a student status letter
    3. Obtain a replacement passport from the nearest embassy for your country
    4. Apply for a replacement visa online

    To apply for your replacement visa online, you will need to register an account (if you do not already have one) and click on Apply for Myself to begin your application. You can then complete/update your details, including your current location.

    Please note that the advice on this page is pertinent to the country from which you are applying; in some countries there are supplementary forms/online processes to complete.

    You then need to complete the Select Visa Type section as shown below. This is to ensure that the correct form is generated for you:

    • Reason for Visit: Other
    • Visa Type: Others
    • Visa Sub-Type: Vignette Transfer

    Complete the rest of the form and press submit. Once you have paid for the replacement visa, you will be able to make an appointment for your nearest UK embassy or visa application centre.

    A successful entry clearance application will give you a replacement sticker, with the same end date and conditions.

    If your immigration permission was about to expire (within 4 weeks of you losing your passport or ID card), you don't need to apply on TOC or on the BRP (RC) form and you should make a new application to extend your stay in the UK.

  • Replacing your Biometric Residence Permit

    If you have lost your passport as well as your BRP card abroad, you will need to:

    1. Obtain a replacement passport from the nearest embassy for your country
    2. Apply for a replacement BRP visa online. This is a temporary visa to enable you to re-enter the UK.

    To apply for your replacement BRP online, you will need to register an account (if you do not already have one) and click on Apply for Myself to begin your application. You can then complete/update your details, including your current location.

    Please note that the advice on this page is pertinent to the country from which you are applying; in some countries there are supplementary forms/online processes to complete.

    You then need to complete the Select Visa Type section as shown below. This is to ensure that the correct form is generated for you:

    • Reason for Visit: Other
    • Visa Type: Others
    • Visa Sub-Type: Replacement Biometric Residence Permit

    Complete the rest of the form and press submit. Once you have paid for the replacement BRP, you will be able to make an appointment for your nearest UK embassy or visa application centre.

    You will need scans of your missing passport/visa and your original CAS statement. These scans, or their reference numbers may be required during the above process.

    When you have obtained the temporary replacement visa, please make an appointment to see our International team.

    We will help you to apply for a full replacement of your BRP visa card (fee is £75.20). You must do this within one month, using the BRP (RC) application form.

Passport expiry

If your passport is due to expire while you are in the UK, please contact your country's embassy in London to get information on how to apply for a new passport.

You must apply before your old passport expires.

The Home Office does not require you to apply for a new visa if your expired passport with the visa was returned to you. Instead, you will need to carry both your new and old passports when you travel.

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