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    myUniHub MDXSU

    Attendance monitoring

    It's important you maintain good attendance to your classes to ensure you comply with the regulations of your Student route (formerly tier 4) visa.

    Your attendance

    During term time, you should aim for 100% attendance to all timetabled course related events such as lectures, seminars, workshops, studios and tutorials.

    However, we understand that circumstances may arise or you may become ill. If this happens, please let you module or programme leader know as soon as possible. You must also ensure you cover any missed work.

    If you have extended periods of absence due to medical, personal or other reasons, it may be best to interrupt your studies. This is will be discussed with you before any decision is made.

    If you fail to continually attend without a good reason, the University may class you as having withdrawn from study and you will no longer be an enrolled student of MDX.

    The visa and attendance timeline

    The below timeline shows each stage of non-attendance as well as the decisions and actions that will be taken.A visual representation of the visa and attendance timeline. This information is written out in the table beneath this infographic

    Stage oneStage twoCase review
    Level of non-attendance
    • Poor attendance or unauthorised absence identified
    • Student Visa Compliance Team (SVCT) will contact you via email and seek reasons for non-attendance
    • Serious concerns over non-attendance
    • Evidence of Extenuating Circumstances collected by SVCT
    • Referred to academic departments
    • Review attendance record
    • Review medical evidence / Extenuating Circumstances
    • Review response from module / programme leader
    ActionFormal first warningFormal second warningStudent route visa sponsorship withdrawn if no response received in Stage one and two

    Decision of the Student Visa Compliance Team (SVCT)

    The decision will be one of three courses of action:

    No further actionOffer interruption of studiesStudent route sponsorship withdrawn
    • Attendance improved
    • Response and Evidence accepted
    • Attendance will be monitored
    • Missed substantial amount of academic programme
    • Response and Evidence accepted
    • No evidence of improved attendance
    • Response and Evidence submitted are unsatisfactory
    • Student will be given opportunity to appeal provided satisfactory evidence of Extenuating Circumstances are submitted

    Until the appeal is concluded, the decision of withdrawal will remain in force

    If you continue to have poor attendance and fail to provide satisfactory reasons for your non-attendance and/or fail to improve your attendance, you will be withdrawn from the programme, your Student route visa sponsorship will be cancelled and you may be reported to the Home Office.

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