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MDX is now a 3 star Fairtrade Awarded University

Middlesex is now 1 of 2 of the highest awarded nationwide, gaining a higher score this year and now a 3 star Fairtrade Awarded University.

Being a Fairtrade awarded university isn’t just about having Fairtrade products available on campus, it’s a demonstration of the values of the Fairtrade standards and of the University.  We’re passionate, fair, diverse, we support equality, provide opportunities and choices.

You can read more here on how MDX and 12 other Universities achieved fair trade status.

The Fairtrade audit process began in May of this year and despite the current restrictions, our students still successfully worked through all the evidence that had been collated over the last 2 years.

We heard from the student auditors about their experience:

Sondos Nafie - BA International Politics Economics and Law

Why you wanted to be a Fairtrade auditor?- To learn more about Fairtrade organisation in universities and how to audit.

What did you gain from this experience? – General knowledge about Fairtrade in universities, how it works, and some experience in the process of making an audit which I think is very useful in any job as you gain skills such as supervising, revising documents, analysing and interviewing

Joseph ElvisA. Lamptey - Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the Student Voice Leader of the MBA Cohorts

Why you wanted to be a Fairtrade auditor?- I joined the award auditors because of the ideas of fairness and justice it seeks to promote through education and higher educational institutions.  Also, the experience and understanding of what’s required of an institution to catalyse the knowledge spread of fair trade to help in better decision making especially in what one consumes or purchases propelled my interest in this awards auditing.

What did you gain from this experience? – The whole auditing process has taught me team collaboration, improved my knowledge on fair trade and sharpened my skills through the learning of criteria relevant for auditing.

Nga Nguyen (Alice) - PhD in Management.

Why you wanted to be a Fairtrade auditor- I have always been big on the topic of sustainability, ethical trade, corporate social responsibility. This can be clearly demonstrated through my current research on corporate social responsibility. This role would be a perfect opportunity to get my hands on making positive changes. There is a need for education and wider promotion of Fairtrade within university environment which potentially impacts on wider society. Parts of me always passionate about the justices for vulnerable farmers, their children and their local communities in the developing countries. I have a sense of responsibility to bring them justice whether it might be through research, through purchases as a consumer, through spreading the word or through influencing people around me. Being a Fairtrade auditor for me means that I will be able to learn practical practices to promote Fairtrade while helping vulnerable farmers as well as making it more feasible for the University to achieve the goal of being a Fairtrade awarded University. I want be part of something bigger than myself. Being a Fairtrade auditor is a way for me to help people understand their value in making changes and to help the organisation/university to achieve their goal.

What did you gain from this experience? – my knowledge on FT work at MDX, awareness on opportunities available for students to get involved in FT, leadership sense, being proactive and resilient, showing dedication to commitment, building greater attention to detail skill and Multi-tasking skill.

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