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    NHS student travel expenses

    The NHS Learning Support fund (NHS LSF) provides additional funding for eligible pre-registration healthcare students who also have a student loan from Student Loans England (SLE).

    It can be used to claim additional travel expenses and accommodation costs as a result of attending practice placements. Practice placements are the parts of your course which are supervised clinical practice.

    The LSF is managed by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) student services.

    Please note the NHS can change their policies during the year and whilst we will always aim to keep you up to date it is best to regularly check their website if you are uncertain about what you can claim.

    Eligibility of travel and dual accommodation claims

    You can claim travel to and from your placement location as long as the cost of your daily return is more than your usual return travel to university. Exceptions apply for those on Open University programmes run in partnership with Middlesex University.

    If you are studying on one of the following programmes and meet the general eligibility criteria, you may be able to claim expenses for travel to practice placements.

    Eligible programmes (excluding apprenticeships)

    • BSc Nursing
    • BSc Midwifery (3 year and 18 month programmes)
    • PGDip Nursing

    Get in touch

    If you have any questions, please check the NHS website or contact the NHS LSF team:

    • Tel: 0300 330 0521

    Submit your claim

    What you can claim

    You are expected to travel by the cheapest form of transport available where it is reasonably practical to do so.

    Travel claims

    You can claim for using public transport (actual cost) or your own motor vehicle (mileage cost). You may be able to claim for the cost of a hire car but this must be agreed with Middlesex University beforehand. Parking/congestion charge/LEZ/tolls can also be reimbursed if evidence is provided. Taxi travel will not be reimbursed unless it can be shown to be for unexpected mitigating circumstances. A ‘letter of support’ from your Programme Leader will need to be submitted to confirm this, alongside your evidence.

    Additional mileage costs may be claimed if you have to travel in the community to other Practice Placement sites or to patients’ home addresses and you are not given free transport by a tutor or mentor.

    To claim for any travel appropriate evidence must be provided. What is required is laid out further down the page.

    If you choose to travel to placements in your own vehicle, rather than using public transport, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct level of insurance for all risks associated with its use. The reimbursement of the costs of travel by private motor vehicle does not constitute any acceptance of liability by your University, the NHSBSA or any other NHS body.

    Further information on travel rates e.g. pence per mileage available.

    Accommodation claims

    If it is not possible / practical for you to travel to your placement each day from your normal term time address, you may be able to claim towards the cost of staying in temporary accommodation near to your placement site. Your must only claim the cheapest accommodation available to you.

    This evidence must be a receipt, an invoice or on company headed paper. If you are not able to provide the required evidence your claim will not be reimbursed.

    Please note, if you stay with your parent/s in their home just for the purpose of attending your placement, reimbursement of accommodation costs will not be made.

    Further information on dual accommodation costs is available on the NHS BSA website.

    Examples of travel costs

    • Student A's travel costs


      Cost of daily return journey

      Travel from term time address to University/normal place of study


      Travel from term time address to practice placement site


      Student A can claim reimbursement of £3.25 per day (£9.00 less £5.75)  towards their placement travel costs for the duration of this placement.

      This is because it costs more to travel to placement than it does to get to University.

    • Student B’s travel costs


      Cost of daily return journey

      Travel from term time address to University/normal place of study


      Travel from term time address to practice placement site


      Student B cannot claim reimbursement towards their placement travel costs for this particular placement.

      This is because it has not cost them more to travel to their placement then it does to travel to University.

    When to claim

    Please ensure that you submit your expenses claim no later than 6 months after your last day of travel to your practice placement, otherwise you may not be able to claim your costs. We recommend submitting a claim after you have completed each placement.

    How to claim

    To claim for travel expenses, you will need to:

    1. Register for an NHS Learning Support Fund account. You can register at any point during your course but please be aware that if you did not apply through Learning Support Fund in a previous academic year, you cannot apply for any backdated payments.
    2. Download and complete a NHS Travel Claim template. Use this to record your individual journeys for each day you travelled to placement.
    3. Keep your travel receipts during your placement.
    4. Once your placement has finished, complete and submit a claims form by using this online form. You will need to include your completed NHS Travel Claim template and your travel receipts.
    Submit your claim

    Guidance on the evidence you need to provide for your claim

    Please do not upload bank statements/screenshots of banking apps.


    Parking Costs and Tolls:
    Please provide the paper tickets or.pdf e-receipts from parking and toll apps/websites. These are what are required by the NHS. Please do not provide screenshots of the parking or toll apps as these are not sufficient. 

    Taxis must only be used in unexpected, mitigating circumstances. You must provide clear paper receipts or .pdf e-receipts from taxi apps/website that clearly show the date, the route/journey taken and the cost of the journey. As per the NHS guidance, you should provide a ‘letter of support’ from your Programme Leader alongside your evidence, confirming that due to the circumstances this was the only way to travel to your placement.

    Public Transport

    You are required to upload the Payment Statement.pdf.

    Paper Tickets/Paper Travelcards:
    You must provide clear scans/photos of the tickets and if necessary purchase receipts. It must be clear from the images the date, type of ticket purchased (journey route or zones) and the cost of purchase.

    Wherever possible, please combine all receipts into ONE document. This will speed up the processing of your claim.

    After you have submitted your claim

    1. Once submitted, your claim will be checked and authorised by the University. If there are any queries these will be raised with you before authorisation can take place.
    2. Once authorised, your claim will be approved by the University and sent to the NHS LSF for payment. You will be notified when your claim has been authorised by the University and submitted to NHS LSF. Claims are normally forwarded to the NHS within 15 working days of submission dependent on public holidays/staff.
    3. The NHS LSF will make payment to you within 20 working days from when they received the completed claim from Middlesex University. If you have not received your payment 20 days after submission to the NHS LSF, you should contact the NHS LSF team directly.

    Guides and advice

    We have created a number of downloadable guides to help with any further queries you might have:

    The NHS have produced a Completing your TDAE claim booklet which guides you through the claiming process. We recommend using this guide when completing your claim to ensure you have provided the correct details. Please note, please refer to the guidance on this page on how to submit a claim rather than the guidance in the booklet.

    Do’s and Don'ts

    • Do remember to submit your claim form(s) within the timescale.
    • Do keep copies of your form and any accompanying receipts/evidence before submitting.
    • Do remember to include any relevant receipts for Public transport to support your claim.
    • Do ensure that you have adequate insurance cover if you are travelling to your placement using your own private motor vehicle.
    • Don’t submit a claim form if your total travel costs to your placement are equal to or less than your normal daily travel to the University.
    • Don’t complete a claim form if you are a seconded student as you are not entitled to claim Practice Placement expenses.
    • Don’t complete or submit a claim form if the last day of the placement period you are claiming for was more than the deadline to make a claim. Your form will not be processed under any circumstances.

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