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Row Britannia 2020: MDX Vice-Chancellor and Executive colleagues to join in 24 hour Rowathon for mental health

Eight-week challenge team on target to hit 2020 miles and raise £3000 for charity

On Friday, MDX Vice-Chancellor Nic Beech and VCE colleagues will swap the Executive Corridor for the gym when they join in a 24-hour Sport Relief rowathon to raise funds and awareness for student mental health. All MDX students and staff are invited to join in: details on how to participate are below.

The rowathon marks the final leg of MDX's eight week 2020 Row Britannia Challenge, which has set universities and colleges the task of completing 2020 miles on rowing machines and raising £3000 for Sport Relief. Dedicated MDX staff members and students, including Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean Sean Wellington and Chief Financial Officer James Kennedy have been clocking up rowing miles since mid-January.

As of the morning of Tuesday 3rd March, 16 MDX team members have raised almost £1550 on the MDX Row Britannia Challenge Team JustGiving page - more than halfway to the target.

Row Britannia was founded as a mental health and wellbeing challenge by veteran Phil Packer, who suffered catastrophic spinal injuries in a rocket attack while serving in Iraq in 2008. Packer will visit MDX on Friday with his ocean rowing boat, which will be placed outside MDX House, to inspire the whole #TeamMDX community in their efforts. The money raised, with an overall target across the higher and further education sector of £1.5 million, will go towards mental health charities supporting students and youth people with whom Row Britannia has partnered.

"I feel in awe of some of the athletic prowess around me! The challenge is a brilliant thing to do - I'll be bringing the average speed down"Vice-Chancellor Nic Beech

The 24 hour rowathon begins at 11am on Thursday 5th March. If you are able to row at any time from 11am onwards, please contact Zoe Ranford z.ranford@mdx.ac.uk to let her know when you’d like to row and for how long.

MDX will be welcoming Phil Packer to campus at 10am on Friday. Everyone is welcome to come along and meet Phil, and get involved in the final hour of the rowathon.

Click here for the MDX Row Britannia team JustGiving page

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