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The winner of the Fairtrade poetry / spoken word 2021

Fairtrade Poetry / Spoken word competition 2021

This year’s Fairtrade fortnight celebration supported the awareness of Climate Change. Through various activities across schools, universities, colleges, places of worship and organisations around the world, we aimed to raise awareness of how everyone can play a part in “Choosing the World you want.”

The poetry or spoken word competition to hear your thoughts on the topic of ‘Your vision of the world you want for farmers and workers worldwide, and the planet we share’

And the winner is…

Congratulations Marisa Mustafa with her piece, Mirage of Eden.

The judges felt that Mirage of Eden was a clever read in that it told a Climate change story in a realistic fairy tale way. It had much stronger control of the entire piece. The title alone, captivated the judges to want to know more and felt lured in during the read.

Mirage of Eden

by Marisa Mustafa

To this vision I am bound:

the wasp buzz of a wave;

life and colour all around;

the blessings mother gave.

I am - choking - on dreams

of a rich, safe Eden -

a world serene at its seams,

uncut by cords of freedom.

Inhale fumes - exhale smoke -

a star - with wings

interrupts my hope -

and the - breath - it brings.

Fair trades and honest tongues,

sustainability will suffice.

Cemeteries of - uprooted lungs -

replaces paradise…

reward! - to those who stab-

at our womb -

and for those who tend, not grab,

the creatures, fruits, and bloom?

This rot - is in - my veins -

consume, consume, consume

we must - burn these chains

to kill - our barren doom.

Touch life beyond the computer,

rain and jungle dew,

a cleaner, greener future,

peace not just for the few.

My throat - burns

satisfaction slips my fingers

and to the past returns,

so only faith now lingers.

For libraries of celestial stories

Sun and Moon chase each other

Over unpolluted territories.

Tree nymphs will rediscover

their legs to dance and play

among skyscraper trees and towers.

Ink-free mermaids visit the bay

threading crowns of flowers,

never to know a plastic hell.

Fair costs and full cheeks

Nature, cast your spell!

Sung from mouths and beaks.

Imagine bellies full of berries,

imagine poverty, illness ended,

imagine trees alive with fairies,

imagine our earth, tended.

Maria's piece will have full page feature on www.haringeyunchained.com with a link from the homepage; a spot in their print magazine that will be published in America and the UK and your piece will feature on a spot on the Russell Sage college website following an quick Winners interview.

Finally, your piece will also be recorded and played through Barnet TV online as well as their social media channels.

Congratulations to the runners up, our 4 shortlist entries:

  • Leonardo Simoes with Product of here and now
  • Diogo Alexandre Mendes Do Nascimento with Gods, Robots and Humans
  • Shraddha Vyas – (no title)
  • Rebecca Kenny – You Reap what you sow

Thanks to all of this year participants who took part in such an important cause!

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