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Giorgia Ramella’s ‘Men's Mental Health'

We want to shine a light on your stories, elevating the voices of the #teammdx community. Each month we’ll be sharing different student voices and work to celebrate #TeamMDX.

This month we’re hearing from Giorgia Ramella, an MDX film student who has produced a short film called, ‘Men's Mental Health’

This video is about men's mental health and how complex it can be for a man to express his emotions. It also explores the complexity of one's relation to his emotions and how cultural background could affect a person in that regard.

Speaking of her video, Giorgia says:

”Through this short interview, I wanted to point out the impact that the environment one grows up in, on a nuclear as well as on an educational level, could affect one's openness to discuss mental health. I believe that it is a relatable topic and that the uniqueness of the interviewees provides several thinking points for us spectators."

Her film is part of a Co-Creation Initiative in Student Support and Wellbeing called GRIOTs.

GRIOTs is a mental health and wellbeing story-telling approach that draws on story-telling methodologies indigenous to Western Africa.  It recognises the power of story-telling in developing shared understanding, belonging, acceptance and as a mechanism for healing through story-telling as a means of being heard and having a voice.  While the tradition originates in Western Africa, Middlesex GRIOTs are open to all members of the University community in recognition of the opportunity for growth, belonging and wellbeing that are inherent within the diverse stories that combine to be the story of the organisation.

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