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#TeamMDX Good News Stories 2021-22

As term comes to an end, we've been exploring some of the amazing moments and achievements from the #TeamMDX community
  • 1. #TeamMDX help to reduce feelings of loneliness in older people

Masters of Research MDX student Nick Bender, developed a ten week programme combining socialising, exercise and discussion. This group programme aimed at older people has found to have reduced loneliness in participants by 26 per cent, a 34 per cent reduction in depression and a 35 per cent reduction in anxiety.

Check out the video to see how positively participants have been impacted by Nick's group programme.

  • 2. Powerful MDX Women


Two Middlesex University female students won in two categories at last year’s Student Nursing Times Awards. Sian Chinnoyelum Chinwuba was awarded ‘Most Inspirational Student Nurse of the Year’ and Nicolette Porter won ‘Student Midwife of the Year’.

They show us that anything is possible and we couldn't feel more proud of  #TeamMDX.

Read about Sian and Nicolette's wins here

  • 3.The impact of film

MDX students have been awarded for their work on educational campaign films about hate crime against those with learning disabilities or autism, and the restorative justice process, which is based on guided conversations in safe environments. This is used as part of the process of recovery and moving forward after being involved in conflict, crime or violence. "The films are a real success and will continue to have huge impact" - Reshma Hirani, Hate Crime Reporting Co-ordinator at Barnet Mencap

Read the full story here


  • 4. Support for Ukraine


MDXSU launched an appeal to help Ukrainian people after the Russian invasion. They organised a collection at the Hendon campus which led to a flood of donations. Boxes of the donated items were transported and distributed to refugee camps on the Polish and Romanian borders with Ukraine.

Read about the Ukraine war appeal here

  • 5. MDX alumnus Dexter McLean's vision to change perception

Striking portraits of Dexter's family and close friends, wearing face masks and looking straight at the camera, were on display at Autograph's Rivington Place gallery up until February this year, alongside works responding to the pandemic by nine other photographers. His work - operating "in a space between documentary and portraiture" - focuses on the representation of disabled and black people, addressing what he believes is mainstream media's failure to portray the lives of disabled people holistically and its lack of attention to the stories of people born disabled.

Read more about Dexter and his powerful work here


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