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World Fairtrade University Web Symposium

Event information

START DATE 24 October 2020
LOCATION https://youtu.be/B7Lif5fqBio
END DATE 24 October 2020
END TIME 11:30

Middlesex University will be representing London Universities at the World Fairtrade Symposium, along with 3 Fairtrade -awarded Japanese Universities.

The symposium has been put together to connect the UK and Japan, and aim for developing a practical model of cross border distant learning in universities.

In this symposium, we will learn efforts and effects of each university to promote Fairtrade through alliance between various sectors in the community. We will also discuss the contribution of these efforts to improve the brand power of the university and the future role of Fairtrade universities.

A key note speaker from each university will be sharing their insight into Fairtrade within universities. A panel of students from the respective university's will also be running breakout discussions to share their thoughts on their chosen topic.

This is a very exciting opportunity for Middlesex and the Fairtrade team!

We would like to invite you to join us for this symposium via the YouTube live stream

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