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myUniHub MDXSU

Staying safe on campus and beyond

It's important you take care of your health, wellbeing and personal safety whilst studying.

Health and safety

It's better if you register for a doctor straight away rather than wait until you need to see one. If you live in halls, it's handier for you if you register with these doctors. If you're feeling low or struggling to cope with university or other pressures then our confidential counselling service is there to assist you. Also, familiarising Travelling in London at nightyourself with the University's Health and Safety policies can be very useful during your time here at Middlesex and don’t forget to visit the fitness pod.

Travelling at night

If you are returning home late at night, walk in a group or use public transport. Avoid putting yourself at risk by taking shortcuts. Be aware of others around you at cash point machines and try not to use them at night or in poorly lit areas. Check the time of the last train, bus or tube home to avoid being stranded at night. Find more information on personal safety via the MDX Welcome Advice guides.

Safe cycling routes from MDXSU

Freewheelers' is the MDXSU and Middlesex University free campus cycle hire scheme, which allows you to hire a bicycle and take it out for a day, or a week. Use the safe cycling guide to travel to and from Halls and Campus. Also, take advantage of the Free Cycling Training program offered by MDXSU for staff & students. Student using the Free cycling scheme

Security information

Middlesex campuses are looked after by teams of security guards, and protected by CCTV cameras and swipe card access in many locations. There are also some simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your belongings while at university, which you can read more about on the Access and security on campus page.

Any Cause for Concern?

Remember that the Cause for Concern Procedure has been designed to provide you with simple and clear guidance on what to do should you be concerned about a student, colleague or a friend. This procedure should be followed for concerns such as health, wellbeing, conduct, safety or vulnerability which can affect a student’s academic engagement.

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