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Disruption to Library E-Resources

There are currently access issues with some of the Library’s online resources. We are working hard to resolve this issue and provide full access as soon as possible.

Please keep checking Unihub for further updates regarding this issue. All other systems remain available to both staff and students.

See below for a list of resources that are currently available and below for the list of resources currently unavailable.

Many thanks to our IT Team who are continuing to work hard addressing these issues and working to resolve them as soon as possible. We will continue to keep you updated.

  • What is unavailable

  • Barbour
  • Box of Broadcasts
  • Digimap
  • Digital theatre +
  • Education journals (T+F)
  • Film and television literature index with Full Text
  • Humanities international complete
  • IEEE
  • Jstor
  • Kortext
  • Lexis
  • Linkedin learning
  • Maternity and infant care
  • OVID
  • Oxford academic
  • PEP
  • T+F online
  • Uk data service
  • VLexjustis
  • Westlaw
  • XpertHR

In this section

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