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    Research Students' Summer Conference - 2019

    2019 Winners

    Best presentations with posters:

    Themis Nikolas Efthimas

    Attention allocation during the observation of biological motion: An EEG study

    Godwin Ogbuabar

    Context-aware system for cardiac condition monitoring and management

    Nahid Bashir

    Investigating the Role of ICT in Enabling Rural Farming Practices in Kano State, Nigeria, and Creating a New Model for Community Development for Low-Income Farmers.

    Jose Gines Gimenez Manuel

    Empowering people with dementia: A smart home pilot development

    Priya SelvamDevelopment and measurement of root hair density in the different types of microgreens and it is compared with the
    attachment of Salmonella thphimurium and its mutants.
    Amarachi OmaghaGold nanoparticles and Electrical Impedance Tomography: A novel approach to cancer imaging, targeting and therapy
    Simon LimbrickHow does an evolving locus inform the relationship between the performer and audience of new music ?
    Saeed OluwadipeSustainable Urban Waste Management Through the Lens of Service Users

    Best presentations with slides:

    Elvis Langley

    ‘In the Same Boat, Helping Each Other’: a Grounded Theory of Growth and Emancipation in Peer-Led Hearing Voices Groups 

    Mfon Archibong Bassey

    Understanding How Health Visitors Define and Classify Children and Their Needs under ‘Universal’ and ‘Vulnerable’
    Caseloads: A Case Study in an Inner London Borough

    Sarah Welland

    Male offenders’ experiences of an intensive rugby intervention as a method of prevention of reoffending in a Young
    Offenders Institution.

    Ragnhild Dalaker

    Nation variability within a European context: Social representations of 'mental health' and 'mental illness', and public perceptions towards persons labelled 'mentally ill'

    Hilary Norman

    The experience of self-harm in young adults who report difficulties identifying and describing feelings: a qualitative

    Karen Manville

    A randomised controlled trial exploring the effect of canine interaction on the emotional wellbeing of higher education students

    Su Everett

    The use of Balint methodology to explore how nurses process the sensitive sexual health issues arising from working in the clinical area

    Herbert Mwebe

    Mental Health and Cardiovascular Disease Risk

    John PollardWhat’s so funny about comic books?: A grounded theory exploration of the use of sequential art in contemporary psychological practice.
    Jude SmitWhat we can learn from students’ lived experiences of attempted suicide in further and higher education.
    Kaan LowDevelopment and Characterisation of Multi-Drug Resistant Osteosarcoma Cell Lines
    Amrinder SinghIn Vitro Metabolism Profiling of Berberine and Sulfonylureas
    Jerome Samuels-ClarkeInvestigating the use of reconfigurable hardware, for self-adapting legged robots
    Rachael Mayne“Changes in Worker Perceptions of Health and Safety during the BG Tanzania Drilling Campaign (2011-2016)”
    Angela SorensonIntra- and inter-day reliability of typical and alternative weightlifting variables during heavy cleans
    Dewa ZazaiIsolation of Canine osteosarcoma cells to investigate chemoresistance
    Janice PereiraChemoresistance in Osteosarcoma mediated by Autophagy Regulating microRNAs

    Welcome to the Middlesex University London Research Students' Annual Summer Conference.

    The conference will take place this year on the 20th June 2019.

    This event spans the faculties of Arts and Creative Industries, Science and Technology, Professional and Social Sciences, and our Collaborative Partners. It is an excellent opportunity to facilitate cross-fertilisation and sharing of ideas across all research areas, discover the breath of research being undertaken, and discuss and develop ideas.

    We hope that the Conference, in keeping with the spirit of enhancing collaboration, will allow exciting ideas to emerge and researchers to forge new collaboration, and hope you will find the one day event stimulating and constructive

    The theme of this year's conference is "The Power of Research: community and the impact of disruptive ideas"

    We have invited students from any discipline to submit abstracts which focus on why their research matters and the impact it has on the wider community. We hope that students are able to explain what they bring to their critical research, and the contribution that they are making from the outset of their career. Identifying and acknowledging the impact of research reinforces the need to bridge the gap between academia and practice, and opens a dialogue with the outside world. This captures the essence of ‘the power of research: community and the impact of disruptive ideas’.

    Programme and Book of Abstracts

    The complete Programme and Book of Abstracts for the RSSC 2019 is now available and can be accessed here.

    Thursday 20th June 2019

    Why attend?

    This conference is run annually, with over 100 students presenting their research each year. Cross school collaboration and trans-disciplinary discussions are great for research students, as it provides an opportunity to find out what other people are doing across the university, alongside providing a safe place for research students to present their research!


    All postgraduate research students and staff are invited to attend. A principle objective of the Summer Conference is to enable all members of the faculties and collaborative partners to become familiar with the extensive range of ongoing research with the schools, and to allow research students to present their results in surroundings which are equivalent to those encountered at external conferences and workshops.

    Submission Guidance

    Submission opens at 5pm on 20th March 2019 and closes at midnight on 30 April 2019.

    The abstract describing your work should be submitted before the deadline through: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rsc2019

    Before being able to submit you need to register with the EasyChair submission system, which will require only your names and contact email: https://www.easychair.org/account/signup.cgi

    When you try to submit an abstract,  the system will ask you to fill in a form, which contains an abstract window, this is not the abstract we are asking to submit, you can just put one symbol to fulfil the requirement, and upload the abstract as an attachment. By 5pm on the notification date (31st May 2019) you will receive an email with the outcome, feedback and follow up instructions to the same email account you used to register with EasyChair.

    Abstract requirements

    Your abstract should meet the following requirements:

    • Should not be longer than 400 words
    • It should contain the following sections:
    • - Title
      - Author (please include your supervisors and discuss with them before submission)
      - Aim of your research
      - Research methods used
      - Current findings/Expected contribution
      - Community impact/ novelty / disruptive ideas

    The EasyChair system does not support video or poster submissions, so please submit an abstract of the research communicated in your slides, video or poster.

    Additional Information

    For all the authors and MDX Research Students there will be a number of workshops available prior to the conference, aimed at helping with the preparation of the abstracts, posters and presentations before the conference. More information will be provided to you via email in the next few weeks. Students based at a distance and unable to attend the conference are welcome to contribute a poster or presentation online or pre-recorded presentation, which should be discussed with the supervisory team.

    Additional information and updates will be posted on the ‘Mdx Research Students’ Facebook page and the Twitter Handle @MDXRSSC

    Key Dates

    -       Submission of abstract opens: at 5pm on 20th March 2019

    -       Submission of abstract closes: 30 April 2019

    -       Confirmation of presentation: 31 May 2019

    -       Conference:  20 June 2019

    For any further information please contact summerconference@mdx.ac.uk. The call for papers document can be downloaded here.

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