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    Student emergency fund

    Applications to the Covid-19 Emergency Funds closed on Wednesday 24 March at 11.59 (UK time). Successful applications have now all been notified and awarded.

    We understand students continue to experience financial difficulties. The Student Emergency Fund is available for students in unexpected financial difficulties, with an immediate need of money for living costs or an emergency.

    • Contact Student Welfare Advice if

    • You need financial help with living costs such as food or an electricity bill
    • You need financial help while waiting for benefit payments
    • You need help to continue learning online
    • You have a financial emergency and you are at risk of leaving your studies

    And you are:

    • Enrolled on a postgraduate programme (a taught programme or research programme (except writing up period)) or
    • Enrolled on an undergraduate programme
    • Forced to interrupt studies because exams/classes are postponed due to the pandemic and progression is not currently possible
    • Not enrolled and studying a deferral and/or reassessment to submit this academic year to progress to the next level or complete your studies

    and an

    • Home student or
    • EU/EEA student or
    • International student
    • Full-time or
    • Part-time
    • Have a UK bank account including banking Apps such as Monzo or Revolut
    • Payment amounts

    Successful applications typically receive £200 to help towards general living expenses.

    Students normally resident in the UK and experiencing longer term financial difficulties should apply to the Student Support Fund. The fund closes on 16 April 2021.

    • Contact details

    Contact the Student Welfare Advice Team by

    Response times

    Applications are assessed as quickly as possible.

    Successful applications will receive a payment from the fund between 7 and 10 working days after the completed application, including the required documentation, has been received.

    Payments made from the University bank account can take up to a further 3 working days to appear in bank accounts.

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