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myUniHub MDXSU


Mind. Body. Boost

A FREE 6 week wellbeing programme starting 16 February 2024 taking place on Friday lunch times from 12:30 - 2.00pm

Join in with our free programme of wellbeing workshops. 6 weekly sessions focusing on developing positive mental health strategies, followed by a fun physical activity to enhance mind and body health.

The programme will help you feel connected and supported, and help you to develop skills to help you improve and maintain your physical and mental wellbeing. The programme is being delivered as a partnership between the Sport & Recreation and Counselling & Mental Health Services.

WeekDateTimeWellbeing workshopPhysical Activity
116 Feb12.30 - 2.00pmUnderstanding and managing
unhelpful thoughts
Stretch and Release
223 Feb12.30 - 2.00pmManaging stress and worriesBoxing Pad Work
31 March12.30 - 2.00pmMindfulnessMindfulness
48 March12.30 - 2.00pmSelf - compassionSunny Hill Park guided walk and outdoor  gym session
515 March12.30 - 2.00pmTackling procrastination and
establishing routine
Floor Barre- light ballet movements sitting and laying on the floor
622 March12.30 - 2.00pmEstablishing a balanced lifestyle and self - careBodyweight exercise

How to Join

The programme is available for free, and you can register your interest online to join. For more information on the programme, please contact Danielle Norville in the sports office in MDX House or email Meryem Cilaci .

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