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    Welcome and Induction

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    Welcome to Middlesex Postgraduate Research

    Welcome to our Research Degrees Community! The induction day is our opportunity to officially welcome you to Middlesex University and introduce you to life as a researcher.

    The Research Induction is part of the Middlesex University Welcome and Induction week. There is a wide range of events and activities to students of all levels to welcome everyone to #TeamMDX! You are very welcome to join as many as you want.

    We have two induction sessions during the academic year depending on when you start your course; September or January.

    During Induction you will have the opportunity to meet our support services, speak to our library team and be introduced to key faculty staff members. You will find out important information about your degree and resources available to you as a student and researcher in Middlesex University.

    Welcome information

    When you start at Middlesex (after you accept your offer without any conditions left to meet) you will receive two emails with important information, your student ID number, your username, email address and password (in a separate email for security reasons), as well as many other important information you need to get set up in your research degree. Look out for those! If you haven't received either this welcome pack, please let us know and we can resend them.

    January 2024 Induction | 10-12 January 2024

    The main induction days for researchers who started in January 2024 took place on 10-12 January 2024 (online).

    If you missed it, you can catch up with recordings in the Welcome and Induction playlist and download the presentations from MyLearning. You are encouraged to follow the Library workbook at your own pace and make an appointment with your subject librarian for 1-2-1 guidance.

    It is also crucial that you contact your supervisory team. If you have any queries about who they are, or indeed about anything else, email us!

    You can have a look at the dates below to see what was included in the induction programme.

    • Induction Programme (click on each day to see the activities each day)

      • Wednesday 10/01/2024
        TimeEvent titleZoom links

        Welcome to Middlesex

        With Dr Nico Pizzolato, Director of Post Graduate Research Studies

        During this session you will find out about research at Middlesex, what does it mean carrying out research and what to expect during your researcher journey.


        TimeEvent titleRoom/Zoom links

        Faculty Inductions:

        During your Faculty induction you will meet the Deputy Dean for Research in your faculty, the Research Degrees Coordinators and your supervisors. You will find out more about research in your area, available training, regular meetings, opportunities for collaboration, what is expected of you in your area of work and much more.

        It is crucial that you attend your Faculty induction as this will ease your way into becoming an integral part of the MDX Research Community.

        Faculty of Science and Technology

        Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

        Faculty of Business and Law

        Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

      • Thursday 11/01/2024
        TimeEvent titleRoom/Zoom links

        Welcome from the Research Degrees Admin Team

        During this session you will meet members of the Research Degrees Admin Team who will support you throughout your studies, including information about your milestones, available training and development opportunities, other services in the University and more.


        11:15am-11:30amComfort break

        What is your research about?

        Start getting used to answering that question!

        This is a social, meet and greet part of the Research Welcome, and it is all about you, the researchers! You will get an opportunity to talk about your plans and ideas, any fears you have ahead of starting your research and things that you are excited about.

        TimeEvent titleZoom links

        Research in the MDX Strategy/Integrating Themes

        A meeting with Theme Directors, Prof Lisa Marzano, Prof Kurt Barling, Prof Johan Siebers.

        Within the MDX Strategy to 2031 research has a central place. As you are now part of the MDX Research Community, you will be playing an active role in bringing the strategy to life, producing transformative research.


      • Friday 12/01/2024
        TimeEvent titleZoom links

        Research Library Induction

        This workshop guides new postgraduate researchers while they get set up to use the library resources.

        We strongly encourage you to attend the Research Library Induction as it is the perfect moment for you to find out about resources and services that are available to you while completing your studies at Middlesex, from accessing the different databases, meeting your subject librarians, to interlibrary loans, suggesting books for the library to order and much more!

        Download the essential instructions and checklist. There is a Library worksheet which contains everything you need to get started and you can have a look at this ahead of the day.

        NOTE you can follow the checklist and instructions at your own pace and contact your subject librarian for a one-to-one appointment.


    Available resources

    Recordings and presentation slides from previous terms' inductions are saved in MyLearning, in the Welcome and Programme Induction folder, which is the first one in the list. Log in to MyLearning first and then use the links in this page to take you directly there.

    • Welcome checklist

      Make sure you've got everything covered at the start of your studies!

      Check out our welcome Checklist

    • International Students

      If you're an international student, there is available support at Middlesex to help you settle while you're starting your studies in the UK.

      International Orientation Page

    Kickstarting Research Mini Series - Winter 2024

    We welcome new students to the Kickstarting series that supports newly starting researchers across all disciplines. It is particularly relevant to MPhil/PhD and MA/MSC by Research candidates but is open to all.

    The series includes weekly workshops, interchangeably on Tuesday morning (9:00-10:15am) and Thursday afternoon (3:30-4:45pm). The workshops take place online and sometimes days might change depending on staff availability so make sure to check the timetable for every term.

    Find out more in the Training and Development page.

    Your finances

    Please check your emails regularly for updates on fee payment deadlines. If you do not make arrangements on time, you can still work with our Finance Teams to get these in order. Please ensure you check your email (personal and student account) for relevant communication.

    More information on how to pay, deadlines, instalments and how to contact the Finance Team at Middlesex can be found in the Fees and Finance pages in Unihub.

    We advise you to read the finance pages carefully as everything you need to know is included there.

    Postgraduate Fees and Payments

    Campus tours

    Find out how to book a campus tour, what to expect when you arrive or explore the campus virtually.

    Explore the Middlesex London campus!

    Get in touch with Research Degrees Administration Team for further information on any of these activities.

    This information is subject to change, so please check again closer to your arrival date.

    Student route visa requirements

    Studying under a Student Route (formerly tier 4) visa? Ensure you understand all the requirements before you start your studies.

    Research ethics

    We are committed to maintaining high standards of ethics in research and have established a Research Ethics Review Framework. Make sure you read our policies and procedures before your begin your research.

    In this section

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