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Numeracy Support

The resources on this page are designed to help you improve your numeracy skills whether this is to help you with your university course or to prepare for interviews and tests.

General Numeracy and Anxiety

If you have not done any maths for a while, you might like to sign up for the National Numeracy Challenge.

If you become anxious when asked to do calculations, you might find this presentation helpful. https://embed.mdx.ac.uk/AnxietyResilience/story_html5.html

This quiz is designed to be completed without a calculator. The questions are randomised so you will get a slightly different version each time.  It includes advice on how to tackle each question.

Maths Quiz


These resources are designed to help you become familiar with different calculations involving percentages.

Calculating with Percentages - This resource looks at calculating with percentages

Proportion to Percentage - This resource looks at how to convert a proportion to a percentage

Percentage Calculations - This resource covers some harder percentage calculations

Employers’ Tests

Many employers use Numerical Reasoning tests as part of their recruitment process.

Below you will find links to some practice tests, which contain answers and working.

Numerical Reasoning with a Calculator

Numerical Reasoning Test 1 – Questions
Numerical Reasoning Test 1 – Answers

Numerical Reasoning Test 2 – Questions
Numerical Reasoning Test 2 – Answers

The following links are to commercial test practice sites. They offer some free tests but will try to sell you more. Listing them here does not mean that the University endorses them.

Job-Test Prep offers some free tests
Assessment day

The following books are available online from Middlesex University Library:

Tolley, H. and Thomas, K. (2010) How to Pass Numeracy Tests: Test Your Knowledge of Number Problems, Data Interpretation Tests and Number Sequences, Kogan Page, London.

Carter, P. (2011) IQ and aptitude tests, Kogan Page, London.

Bryon, M. and Modha, S. (2011) How to pass selection tests; essential preparation for numerical verbal, clerical and IT tests, Kogan Page, London.

Education Students and ITT Applicants

The resources in this section were originally designed to help students pass the Professional Skills Test for Numeracy. It is no longer a requirement that you pass this test before starting an Initial Teacher Training course, but you may find them useful in preparing for interview or for working on your Fundamental Maths skills during your course.

Mental Arithmetic - This is a timed quiz that you should attempt without a calculator.

Calculator Quiz  - There is no time limit for this quiz. The questions will change each time you attempt it.

This is a practice test based on the format of the Professional Skills Test, and here are the answers.

In this section

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