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Pow! Mag win national student publication award

Middlesex’s student magazine (Pow!) has won the Best Design category at the recent Student Publication Association awards

Pow! wins SPA Award

The fourth annual award ceremony, hosted at Loughborough University, brought together over 70 student publications from around the UK.

Judges chose Pow! Mag for its “strong and identifiable brand” ahead of fourteen other shortlisted student publications.

Pow! Mag editor, Rowena Kinghorn, who is final year Fashion Communication and Styling student, said:

“We were definitely not expecting a win at the SPAs! We were nominated for three awards (Best Newcomer and Outstanding Contribution) and can still not believe little POW! Mag won Best Design. The category was filled with so many beautifully designed magazines from all over the country.”

More details about the awards can be found on the Student Publication Association website.

Students who are interested in joining Pow! Mag are invited to join through the MDXSU website.

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