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#TeamMDX Staff and students deliver dazzling STEM Festival 2019

Visitors clean microplastics, play games with their use of their brainwaves and jump on a VR roller coaster at the STEM Festival 2019

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Festival returns to the university for another year of games and eye-popping exhibits. It took place in the Quad on Wednesday 13th March, as part of British Science Week.

The event gave aspiring scientists the chance to interact with robots, use their brainwaves to complete tasks and learn about the future of computing and about biochemistry’s role in treating disease. Middlesex lecturers and students made appearances to answer any questions about their scientific interests.

“"Our Festival offers young people a unique opportunity to explore STEM subjects through a variety of interactive activities and demonstrations" says MDX Vice-Chancellor Professor Tim Blackman. "Our aim is that they will be motivated to become the scientists, engineers and mathematicians of tomorrow."

From 10am until 3pm, the event was open to all North London schools including St. Mary's and St. John's Church of England School, in Hendon. A Year 7 student Michael Hagar said his favourite attraction at the festival was the Motion Driven eXperience. “I want to [study] all three sciences, Biology, Physics and Chemistry, and I want to be an orthopaedic surgeon,” he said.

From 5-7pm the Festival opened its doors to the public. Displays included testing your strength using the latest sports science equipment, having a go on the terrifyingly realistic virtual roller coaster, the MDX Motion Driven eXperience and finding out how good you are at focusing your thoughts or meditating by interacting with objects on a screen while wearing a specialised EEG headset.

Middlesex is committed to helping science and technology students achieve the STEM qualifications needed to secure a job in the industry. The teaching is closely linked to industry practices, and cutting-edge facilities are available such as the UK’s first Cyber Physical Factory training unit, loaded with Industry 4.0 technologies, in partnership with FESTO Didactic and Siemens.

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