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#TeamMDX Students begin work on MDX Pavilion

Five year project is underway as students start work on new campus space, MDX Pavilion

Coming very soon to the campus is the MDX Pavilion: a major new project to create a sustainable learning, events and wellbeing space on campus. Some of our Architectural Technology BSc students have been leading on the design of the space whilst working alongside industry professionals since September 2017. This is clearly an exciting and insightful opportunity for them to apply the construction theory into a real life project.

Once built, staff and students can make full use of the Pavilion in order to aid their learning. For instance, marketing students could work on a project thinking about potential uses of the space, and publicising it to target users and audiences. A group of BA Photography students is due to start documenting the construction next week.

The possible uses include as a space for welcome events, speed meets, exhibitions, student societies and outdoor films; a learning space close to nature.  It could even be a venue for yoga and tai-chi classes; or simply a quiet place for contemplation.

Students now in their third year did the initial work on the project in 2017-18, including getting the go ahead from the University and taking it through the planning approval process.

"We had to put a business plan together, because we had to convince the Estate Management office it was a good investment and a good project" says Viorel Mihailuc.

"Then it was a green light for us to carry on" says Vidmantas Benaitis. "Students are getting involved and the learning experience is cool for us, so they were supportive from that point on".

If you're interested in contributing to the making of MDX Pavilion, there are two competitions running for all students where you can design either the ceiling panels or the signage for the Pavilion. You have until the 18th of March to place your submissions at the UniHelp desk.

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