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Sini's graduate story

Sini tells us about her university and graduate experience as a graphic designer

How my degree has had a direct impact on my career

The course structure offers a balanced creative independence which is very beneficial in exploring and finding our personal area of design interest whilst also learning about others.

One key learning that had a major impact on my career was the guidance given to me during workshops and talks by tutors and various design agencies. The most helpful part was how the course was well designed to cover all the essential things a student needs to learn and know before actually delving into the “real” post-university world.

I was very confident after graduation that I had acquired the skills, exposure and diversity in my portfolio to get hired and I was placed as a Digital Designer just two weeks after submitting my final project.

My extra-curricular activities

I was the student representative for my course and that was a very useful opportunity for me to grow professionally and personally.

I acted as an intermediary between students and the faculty members to ensure smooth communication which really helped me develop interpersonal relationships.

This role and the exposure that came with it has increased my organisational, communication, leadership and teamwork skills and most importantly it taught me how to conduct myself in stressful situations.

  • Using MDX facilities

    The variety of facilities and workshops available were great tools to boost my skills and to increase my understanding of various design techniques like printmaking, letterpress, riso, and book binding.

    The knowledge of which now really helps me in my daily professional life.

    The most useful facility that I still access now is the Sheppard library. I have been using the journals and resources available in the library for my personal projects and research work.

    Most importantly MDX Works and the Alumni Association are readily available for graduates to help them navigate through the job-hunting. These teams offer a wide range of facilities and services including CV reviews, employment searches and skill development workshops which have been a great support to me.

  • Joining networks

    Being an international student, I experienced a culturally diverse environment that allowed me to build networks all across the globe at MDX.

    The tutors were and are still very supportive and open to provide guidance and career opportunities when needed.

    My course mates are very close group, and we often share and help each other with technical skills, professional guidance and support.

    The events and workshops organised by MDX Works have also been a great place to connect with accomplished businesses and individuals to gain knowledge from.

Where I am now…

Overall, I believe that having a degree really impacted my personality and shaped my career. The skills, opportunities and course projects I worked on at university not only made me a better designer but also improved my creative perspective.

By discovering different cultural approaches and habits, I learned to understand how your vision can impact design and be perceived from different angles by others, which I believe is a great learning outcome in terms of creativity and tolerance.

I came to university with an interest in “making posters” and after 3 years of professional knowledge, challenging briefs and a well-rounded education, I am ready and excited about my further creative journey.

I have been able to apply almost every skill and feedback given/taught to me throughout my university life to my professional practice now.

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